Known Danish law office suspected of receiving return commission of large Danish bank - Regarding whether Jyske Bank has bribed Lundgren's lawyers, in the form of a return commission. For this reason, through a collaboration between Jyske Bank and Lundgrens, not to present the client's claims against Jyske Bank. / Then it is a FACT First Lundgrens gets our case against Jyske Bank on February 5, 2018. 2nd Lundgrens enters Third Lundgrens check the website April 16, 2018. 4th Lundgrens then enters into a million cooperation with Jyske Bank. 5th Just as it is the FACT that Lundgrens will be kicked out on 25 September 2019 for the period 5 February to Lundgrens. At least 30 times have been informed of the allegations. And have been given direct INSTRUCTION, to present the client's fraud allegations against Jyske Bank, without following any of the client's instructions. :-( It should be investigated by the police whether Lundgren's lawyers have been bribed / paid by Jyske Bank A / S And who at Jyske Bank has approved contacting Lundgren's lawyers around March May 2018, to advise Jyske Bank on a transaction for around DKK 600 million. Just as a study on Jyske Bank has given Lundgren's other tasks, and which. Dan Terkildsen from Lundgrens has not wanted to answer the client's questions, about the cooperation between the parties Lundgrens and Jyske Bank. / If Lundgren's lawyers are a reputable law firm. Then the management of Lundgren himself contacts the police and asks them to investigate Lundgrens The suspicion that some of the partners have been dishonest towards their customer / small client .. / This is an invitation to Lundgrens and Jyske Bank. Now ask the police to investigate About Jyske Bank bribing Lundgrens to counteract their client's case against Jyske Bank and the management. To directly contribute to fraud allegations against Jyske Bank has not been presented. Why the Client Himself Has to Present, the 52-page Final Petition, October 28, 2019 When Lundgren's lawyers have been instructed several times to present the client's fraud allegations. / We do not need to ask the management of Jyske Bank to ask the police to investigate Jyske Bank, because the bank has bribed Lundgrens, by using the return commission. Since Jyske Bank has already lied to the court through their board member and lawyer Philip Baruch from Lund Elmer Sandager Advokater, already, several places in legal matters. :-) Like Jyske Bank, the customer who is exposed to the bank's long-standing fraud wants an early decision. But Philip Baruch, we were just bombed back to September 25, 2019, after we discovered that Jyske Bank probably bought our lawyer Lundgren's lawyers in April 2018. So it's not conspiracy theories, as Lundgrens thinks it is, but simply one FACT
De stolte Partner i Lundgrens Spørgsmål er om Lundgrens har modtaget bestikkelse af Jyske Bank, i form af retur kommision for millioner.
Het grootste bankschandaal van Denemarken tijdens escalatie.

Nieuw Deens bankschandaal in onderzoek, door de klant zelf, terwijl andere advocaten en banken de kleine zaak gewoon behandelen.

En deze keer gaat het niet om het witwassen van geld, waar de Deense banken al bekend om staan.

Deze keer is het een valse en fraudegeval met de op een na grootste bank van Denemarken, Jyske Bank.

In dit geval zijn de Deense advocaten Lundgrens nauw betrokken, omdat de bewering van de cliënt over fraude en document vals tegen Jyske Bank niet aan de rechtbank is voorgelegd, voordat de cliënt zelf in oktober bewijsmateriaal en aantijgingen aan de rechtbank moest voorleggen. 28.

En waarom de Jyske Bank-fraude tegen hun kleine klant na 11 jaar fraude nog niet is gestopt.

Wat vinden Lundgrens van onze aantijgingen en bewijzen tegen Jyske bank over de fraudejacht.

Dan Terkildsen zei op 13 augustus dat het bestuur van Jyske Bank zich nergens aan schuldig heeft gemaakt.

Lundgrens hebben geen enkele opmerking over onze claims.

? Dat is heel vreemd?

Een maand geleden, na ontdekt te zijn bij Lundgrens, werkt hij voor Jyske bank en werkt hij voor de beklaagde Jyskebank, tenminste sinds april 2018

En Dan Terkelsen liet hun cliënt geloven dat Lundgrens hun advocaat was, maar tegelijkertijd ontvingen de advocaten van Lundgren ook een miljoen vergoedingen om voor Jyske Bank te werken.

Het lijkt zeer waarschijnlijk dat Jyske bank Lundgrens heeft omgekocht om in de rechtbank bijeen te komen, zonder de vorderingen van de cliënt tegen Jyske Bank in te dienen, alleen maar om de zaak te verliezen.

Wilt u de anders gedelegeerde CEO Anders Dam vertellen dat we niet bedrogen willen worden?

We willen gewoon afspreken met president Anders Christian Dam, en terwijl volwassenen met elkaar praten, omdat dit niet de manier is om eerlijke bankzaken te doen.

En we hebben geen interesse om iets onwaars te schrijven.

De vraag in de rechtbank is of we gelijk hebben en kan bewijzen dat we gelijk hebben.

Wat betekent Lundgrens? dat heb je ons nooit verteld.

Voel je vrij om een ​​reactie achter te laten op Facebook, Twitter voor updates.

Bel os op
+45 22 22 77 13 voor meer informatie.

Zie meer op banknyt

De Chase BS-402/2015-VIB

Dit is slechts een oproep tot dialoog, zoals toen we in mei 2016 voor het eerst schreven aan het hele bestuur van de Jyske Bank.

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Storbjerg Business

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3100 Hornbaek
Known Danish law office suspected of receiving return commission of large Danish bank - Regarding whether Jyske Bank has bribed Lundgren's lawyers, in the form of a return commission. For this reason, through a collaboration between Jyske Bank and Lundgrens, not to present the client's claims against Jyske Bank. / Then it is a FACT First Lundgrens gets our case against Jyske Bank on February 5, 2018. 2nd Lundgrens enters Third Lundgrens check the website April 16, 2018. 4th Lundgrens then enters into a million cooperation with Jyske Bank. 5th Just as it is the FACT that Lundgrens will be kicked out on 25 September 2019 for the period 5 February to Lundgrens. At least 30 times have been informed of the allegations. And have been given direct INSTRUCTION, to present the client's fraud allegations against Jyske Bank, without following any of the client's instructions. :-( It should be investigated by the police whether Lundgren's lawyers have been bribed / paid by Jyske Bank A / S And who at Jyske Bank has approved contacting Lundgren's lawyers around March May 2018, to advise Jyske Bank on a transaction for around DKK 600 million. Just as a study on Jyske Bank has given Lundgren's other tasks, and which. Dan Terkildsen from Lundgrens has not wanted to answer the client's questions, about the cooperation between the parties Lundgrens and Jyske Bank. / If Lundgren's lawyers are a reputable law firm. Then the management of Lundgren himself contacts the police and asks them to investigate Lundgrens The suspicion that some of the partners have been dishonest towards their customer / small client .. / This is an invitation to Lundgrens and Jyske Bank. Now ask the police to investigate About Jyske Bank bribing Lundgrens to counteract their client's case against Jyske Bank and the management. To directly contribute to fraud allegations against Jyske Bank has not been presented. Why the Client Himself Has to Present, the 52-page Final Petition, October 28, 2019 When Lundgren's lawyers have been instructed several times to present the client's fraud allegations. / We do not need to ask the management of Jyske Bank to ask the police to investigate Jyske Bank, because the bank has bribed Lundgrens, by using the return commission. Since Jyske Bank has already lied to the court through their board member and lawyer Philip Baruch from Lund Elmer Sandager Advokater, already, several places in legal matters. :-) Like Jyske Bank, the customer who is exposed to the bank's long-standing fraud wants an early decision. But Philip Baruch, we were just bombed back to September 25, 2019, after we discovered that Jyske Bank probably bought our lawyer Lundgren's lawyers in April 2018. So it's not conspiracy theories, as Lundgrens thinks it is, but simply one FACT
Danish bank does not dare to talk to the customers the bank is cheating
For those of you who use Lundgren's lawyers, or are clients in the Danish banks, such as Jyske Bank, you should read here.

Notice to you who has shares in Jyske Bank, follow the case.

We have, as you may have read, informed the court that we have fired Lundgren's lawyers in the case against Jyske Bank for fraud. BS 402/2015-VIB

A simple and straightforward case, but unfortunately after 44 months has not yet been presented by a lawyer before the court.

Please help us and tell us if we have not clearly and clearly told Lundgren's attorneys to present our fraud allegations to the court.

Read letters and smear at


We are here trying to show and document to you that relying on Lundgrens can be associated with an unnecessary risk that you should not expose yourself to.

So before choosing the large Danish law firm Lundgren's lawyers in the Port of Tuborg

So read here how Lundgrens works.

Link to text messages can be found on


We have previously used Dan Terkildsen Partner in Lundgrens, he was in the process of complying with Jyske Bank's interests, and has withheld the client's claims and evidence in court.

Dan Terkildsen's partner in Lundgren's lawyers has therefore been fired, on suspicion that Lundgrens has accepted bribes.

The mere suspicion that Jyske Bank Group management, probably the top management, with CEO Anders Christian Dam in the lead, who, through the use of a "return commission", has in fact bribed Lundgren's lawyers, not to present the client's claims against Jyske Bank for a million fraud, is now presented to the court.


Philip Baruch's partner in Lund Elmer Sandager Attorneys is taking a sharp distance from the board of Jyske Bank, should have bribed Lundgren's lawyers.

But just read the pictures of text messages between Lundgrens and the client.

When reading text messages are between Carsten and Emil, ask yourself?

Why does Emi Lundgrensl not respond to the client, and directly against the order, again submits a writ petition outside the client.

It feels like Jyske Bank, the bank also works only according to Jyske Bank's own interests.

And then tell if Lundgrens has counteracted their clients' interests, and instead helped, Jyske Bank towards their own client.

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