3. share recommendation

Think what the customers in the Danish banks

Becomes exposed to in the second largest bank in Denmark.

Jyske Bank 

 IMG_20180711_165136706_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt


And should be able to withstand 

Not to break mentally, and keep the family together.


CONTACT JYSKE BANK AND ASK IF THE BANK HAS SOMETHING TO COVER If the bank has EVIL BELIEF that there is a loan of 4,328,000 kr.

Can Jyske Bank not even see it is very unfæir,
to expose customer to this false loan
The Danish leader Anders Dam, deines any contact with the customer, who has triad to shout the board up since May 2016

There is not a loan of 4,328.000 kr.


Can Jyske Bank not even see it is very unfæir
To expose customer to this false loan.


With an interest rate swap

Jyske Bank itself has made 16 July 2008

A bank where the management Not will listen to the customer As just repeat there informs, to the Group Board That there is no loan taken, even if the bank in court, writes it's one underlying loans to the bank's interest rate swap It is therefore in the bank's interest to lie in order to disappoint in legal relationships

A bank where the management
Not will listen to the customer
As just repeat there
informs, to the Group Board
That there is no loan taken, even if the bank in court, writes it’s one
underlying loans to the bank’s interest rate swap
It is therefore in the bank’s interest to lie in order to disappoint in legal relationships

The Danish leader CEO Anders Dam

Deines any contact with the customer

Who has triad to shout the board up since May 2016

With important information

About that the Danish bank, actually have lied since 2009

 That the customer has taken out a loan, of DKK 4,328,000 in the Danish Nykredit Bank

and interest rate swapped this loan with Jyske Bank

And it is not for discussion, that’s the facts.


It is the Jyske bank that itself has taken all actions

And changed in attachments, hidden documents for this to be possible.

Jyske bank Nægter at svare den lille kunde - Kunden som mod forventning, opdagede, at jyske bank har lavet dokumentfalsk og bedrageri, Og bedraget den lille familie fra Hornbæk igennem 9 år. - Jyske Bank er ligeglad og fortsætter bedrag selv om jyske bank er blevet opdaget i bedraget, Og har vist dette siden maj 2016

Jyske bank

It’s not funny anymore

We are talking about millions in losses

It’s just not okay to conscious deceive

customer now in the 10th year.


The bank laughs probably of theirs customer, who is dyslexic, and not bank-trained


But here is the family`s story told 

About the banks’ cooperation

To hide that the customer has no loans of DKK 4,328,000 in Nykredit

That Jyske Bank claims is that underlying loans,

for the interest rate swap in Jyske Bank made July 16, 2008

We try to go behind the deceived, and this true story

And trying to get focus on only 1 relationship.

That the bank, has taken interest rates for this alleged loan for now 10 years.

On the fact that since 2009, have the bank Jyske Bank

Continuously lied to the customer, that they have taken out a loan

that has not ever existed

ADVARSEL MOD STOR DANSK BANK. Når man som kunder i jyskebank åbenlyst bliver bedraget, og Jyske Banks direktion ved det. Men i ond tro lader jyske bank svindle deres kunder, ved hjælp af svig falsk. Hvad kan man så gøre når, jyske bank og deres løgnagtige advokater i Lund Elmer Sandager nægter at kommunikerer. Vi kan kun ADVARER DIG I MOD AT STOLE PÅ JYSKE BANK. DA JYSKE BANK BEVIST LYVER OVERFOR OS KUNDER. Jyske bank indbydes igen til dialog møde, for at gennemgå sagen mod jyske bank for svindlen. :-) I DANMARK STØTTER STATEN BANKERNE DER SOM TAK BEDRAGER DERES KUNDER VED SVIG OG FALSK :-) :-) JYSKE BANK OPFORDRES IGEN TIL PÅ JYSKE BANK TV, AT DULERER ER JYSKE BANK BEDRAGERISK ELLER HÆDERLIG Tør CEO Anders Dam tage opfordring om en offenlig debat Således vi kan gå vores sag om svindel i jyske bank mod familien igennem. :-) Det er handler om bedrageri svindel svig falsk mandatsvig dokumentfalsk manipulation udnyttelse mm. kort sagt Det handler om jyske bank :-) Familien som jyske bank her bedraget i en periode på 9 år. Heraf har jyske bank været bevist om at svindlen var opdaget senest i maj 2016 men CEO Anders Dam valgte at fortsætte bedrageri, og nægte familien dialog. :-) :-) Er lige oplyst af en som ringede, at jyske bank har modtaget 4 bankpakker. Og at flere af de danske banker er statstøttet. :-) :-) Måske derfor lader den Danske Stat Jyske bank overtræde love og regler på stribe. Det er jo åbenbart de danske banker det styre staten, så national banken ingen indflydelse har på dansk økonomi. :-) Hvem vil tage sagen op om de DANSKE BANKER DER SVINDLER. :-) :-) :-) Her er lidt billeder på div. Sprog Hvad ville du gøre når du opdager JYSKE BANK laver bedrageri Og banken nægter at svare dig :-) Шта бисте урадили када открију ЈИСКЕ БАНК прави превару И банка одбија да вам одговори :-) Financial help for lawyer search In the case against Danish bank jyske bank for fraud. :-) Indsæt dit bidrag her. Insert your contribution here Reg. 5479 konto nr. 0004563376 IBAN-kontonummer Account DK0854790004563376 ---------------------- The Danish Bank, deceiving the customer with false loans, and by fraud raises the JYSKE BANK interest rates for a loan that does not exist. :-( Jyske Bank refuses dialogue with the customer, while jyske bank just continue with the fraud crime. FRAUD as Jyske Bank's management CEO Anders Dam from the customer is informed about may 25, 2016 ---------------------- In Danish See more at www.banknyt.dk Pictures of the little annex, the evidence of fraud: https://facebook.com/pg/JyskeBank.dk/photos/?tab=albums&ref=page_internal&mt_nav=1 ------------------------ Small family struggling against Jyske Bank. Jyske Bank has in the 9 years lied to the family about the fake loans, at the 4.328.000 dkkr. To be able to take 2.5 million dkkr in interest from the customer, for a loan the royal bank By not availablenot, but the bank lying about. Jyske bank refuses dialogue. When jyske bank only wants to answer the of the bank's clients who discovers that jyske bank is doing fraud and false in the court. For jyske bank, it is about the law Must jyske bank low fraud and a fake. It wants the Bank the court the words for. Therefore, seeking the family, the financial support to the attorney. ----------------------- Want ATP pension to support jyske bank with the fraud of customers at jyske bank Talking about COUNTERFEITING, EXPLOITATION, FRAUD, breach of MANDATE. violating all the rules and good practice, to be able to yield, fraud < < to deceive the customer at jyske bank And allows ATP PFA, PENSAM and other shareholders jyske bank in now 9 years Has deceived his customer in jyske bank using fake loans, in order to be able to manipulate the client, who was ill after a stroke The customer who did not die and or should have ATP paid to his wife Is småsur over the management of the jyske bank refuses to answer the customer ------------------------ The Danish bank. Jyske Bank Continue fraud by the customer on the 9'end of the year. Although jyske bank CEO Anders Dam. At least 2 years have had the knowledge that the bank is doing fraud. Jyske Bank raises the interest rates of the loans, which do not exist, but as jyske bank, dishonorable and dishonest continues lying in order to cheat the bank's customers. Jyske Bank refuses to stop the fraud of the bank's customer. :-) :-) Die Dänische bank. Betriebe Der JYSKE Bank Weiter Betrug durch den Kunden auf der 9'Ende des Jahres. Obwohl Betriebe der JYSKE bank-CEO Anders Dam Mindestens 2 Jahre haben die Kenntnis, dass die bank tun Betrug. Betriebe der JYSKE bank erhöht die Zinsen der Kredite, die nicht existieren, sondern als Betriebe der JYSKE bank, unehrenhaft und unehrlich ist, weiter zu Lügen, um zu betrügen die Kunden der bank. Betriebe der JYSKE Bank sich weigert zu stoppen, Betrug von Kunden der bank. :-) :-) את דנית הבנק. Jyske Bank המשך הונאה על ידי הלקוח ב-9'סוף השנה. למרות jyske מנכ " ל הבנק אנדרס הסכר לפחות 2 שנים יש לו את הידע, כי הבנק עושה הונאה. jyske הבנק מעלה את הריבית של הלוואות אשר לא קיימים, אבל כפי jyske bank, מבישה ולא ישר ממשיכה לשקר על מנת לרמות לקוחות הבנק. Jyske הבנק מסרב להפסיק את ההונאה של לקוחות הבנק :-) :-) La banca danese. Jyske Bank Continua frode da parte del cliente il 9'fine dell'anno. Anche se jyske bank CEO Anders Diga Almeno 2 anni di avere avuto conoscenza che la banca sta facendo la frode. jyske bank alza i tassi di interesse dei prestiti che non esistono, ma come jyske bank, disonorevole e disonesti continua distesa per imbrogliare i clienti della banca. Jyske Bank si rifiuta di interrompere la frode dei clienti della banca. :-) :-) デンマークの銀行です。 Jyske銀行 続き 詐欺により、お客様の9'末ます。 がjyske銀行のCEO Andersダム 少なくとも2年間の知識、日本銀行では詐欺です。 jyske銀行の金利の貸出はありませんが、jyske銀行dishonorable、不正の続きの添い寝のためのチ日本銀行のお客様です。 Jyske銀行の拒否を停止する不正の日本銀行のお客様です。 :-) :-) Duński bank. Jyske Bank Dalej oszustwa ze strony klientów na 9'koniec roku. Chociaż dyrektor generalny jyske bank dam Anders Co najmniej 2 lata wiedza o tym, że bank zajmuje się oszustwem. Jyske bank podnosi oprocentowanie, które nie istnieją, ale jak джиске bank jest w porządku i nie fair nadal kłamie, aby oszukiwać klientów banku. Jyske Bank odmawia zaprzestania oszukiwanie klientów banku. :-) :-) Датский банк. Джиске Банк Далее мошенничества со стороны клиентов на 9'конец года. Хотя генеральный директор джиске банк дам Андерс Не менее 2 лет знание о том, что банк занимается мошенничеством. джиске банк поднимает процентные ставки по кредитам, которые не существуют, но как джиске банк, непорядочно и нечестно по-прежнему лжет, чтобы обманывать клиентов банка. Джиске Банк отказывается прекратить обман клиентов банка. :-) :-) El banco danés. Jyske Bank Continuar el fraude por el cliente en la 9'de fin de año. Aunque jyske bank CEO Anders Presa Al menos 2 años han tenido el conocimiento de que el banco está haciendo fraude. jyske bank eleva las tasas de interés de los préstamos que no existen, pero como jyske bank, deshonrosa y deshonesto sigue mintiendo con el fin de engañar a los clientes del banco. Jyske Bank se niega a detener el fraude de los clientes del banco. :-) :-) คนเดนมาร์กธนาคาร. Jyske ธนาคาร ทำต่อไป หลอกลโดยที่ลูกค้าที่ 9'สิ้นปี. ถึงแม้ว่า jyske ธนาคารของซีอีโอแอนเดอร์เด อย่างน้อย 2 ปีแล้วคนก็มีความรู้ที่ธนาคารกำลังทำอะไรเลยฐานต้มตุ๋นหลอกลวง jyske ธนาคารต่างหาที่สนใจการเต้นของเงินกู้นัซึ่งไม่มีตัวตนแต่ jyske ธนาคาร dishonorable และไม่ซื่อสัตย์ต่อไปโกหกเพื่อที่จะโกรธนาคารลูกค้าค่ะ Jyske ธนาคารปฏิเสธที่จะหยุดคนหลอกลของธนาคารลูกค้าค่ะ :-) :-) Danimarka Bankası. Jyske Bank Devam bu yıl 9' Müşteri tarafından dolandırıcılık;end. Ancak jyske bank CEO'SU Anders Dam En az 2 yıl banka dolandırıcılığı yaptığı bilgisi vardı. jyske bank bulunmayan kredilerin faiz oranlarını artırdı, ama jyske bankası olarak, onursuz ve sahtekar banka müşterileri aldatmak için yalan söylemeye devam ediyor. Jyske Bank müşterilerinin dolandırıcılık durdurmak için reddediyor. :-) :-) La banque danoise. Jyske Bank Continuer la fraude par le client sur le 9'à la fin de l'année. Bien que jyske bank chef de la direction Anders Barrage Au moins 2 ans ont eu la connaissance que la banque est en train de faire de la fraude. jyske bank soulève le taux d'intérêt des prêts qui n'existent pas, mais que jyske bank, déshonorante et malhonnête continue de mentir dans le but de tromper les clients de la banque. Jyske Bank refuse de cesser la fraude de la les clients de la banque. :-) :-) Den danske bank. Jyske Bank Fortætter svindel af kunde på 9'ende år. Selv om jyske bank CEO Anders Dam I mindst 2 år har haft viden om at banken laver bedrageri. jyske bank hæver renter af lån der ikke findes, men som jyske bank, uhæderligt og uærligt fortsætter, lyver om for at snyde bankens kunder. Jyske Bank nægter at stoppe svindlen af bankens kunder. :-) :-) Så hvad kan vi gøre, udover at blive røvet af jyske bank med falsk lån. :-) :-) Se mere på www.banknyt.dk Lille familie kæmper mod Jyske Bank. :-) :-) Jyske Bank har i 9 år løjet over for familien om falsk lån, på 4.328.000 dkkr. For at kunne tage 2.5 milioner kroner i rente fra kunden, for et lån jyske bank ved ikke findes, men bevist lyver om. Jyske bank nægter dialog. Da jyske bank kun ønsker at svare de af bankens kunder som opdager at jyske bank laver svig og falsk i retten. For jyske bank handler det om jura Må jyske bank lave svig og falsk. Det ønsker den store Danske Bank rettens ord for. Derfor søger familien øknomisk støtte til advokat. Derfor søger familien øknomisk støtte til advokat. :-) Støtte søges til sag, mod stor Dansk Bank som lave svig mod kunder. Indsæt dit bidrag her. Reg. 5479 konto nr. 0004563376 IBAN-kontonummer DK0854790004563376 swift NYKBDKKK Støtten buges til advokat regninger Hjælp til at stoppe svig i jyske bank mod bankens kunder. ------- DA Hvad ville du gøre når du opdager JYSKE BANK laver bedrageri Og banken nægter at svare dig VI Bạn sẽ làm gì khi phát hiện Ngân hàng JYSKE đang gian lận Và ngân hàng từ chối trả lời bạn -- HU Mit tehetsz, ha ? A JYSKE BANK csalás És a bank megtagadja a választ -- UK Що б ви зробили, коли виявите JYSKE BANK здійснює шахрайство І банк відмовляється відповідати тобі -- DE Was würdest du tun, wenn du es entdeckst? JYSKE BANK macht Betrug Und die Bank weigert sich, dir zu antworten -- TR Keşfettiğinde ne yapardın JYSKE BANK dolandırıcılık yapıyor Ve banka size cevap vermeyi reddetti -- TH คุณจะทำอะไรเมื่อค้นพบ ธนาคาร JYSKE กำลังฉ้อโกง และธนาคารปฏิเสธที่จะตอบคุณ -- SV Vad skulle du göra när du upptäckte JYSKE BANK gör bedrägeri Och banken vägrar att svara dig -- ES ¿Qué harías cuando descubras? JYSKE BANK está haciendo fraude Y el banco se niega a responderte -- SR Шта бисте урадили када открију ЈИСКЕ БАНК прави превару И банка одбија да вам одговори -- Что бы вы сделали, когда обнаружили JYSKE BANK делает мошенничество И банк отказывается отвечать вам -- RO Ce ai face când descoperi JYSKE BANK face fraudă Și banca refuză să vă răspundă -- PT O que você faria quando descobrisse JYSKE BANK está fazendo fraude E o banco se recusa a responder-lhe -- PL Co byś zrobił, gdybyś odkrył? JYSKE BANK dokonuje oszustw A bank nie chce ci odpowiedzieć -- NO Hva ville du gjøre når du oppdager JYSKE BANK gjør svindel Og banken nekter å svare deg -- MS Apa yang akan anda lakukan apabila anda menemui JYSKE BANK membuat penipuan Dan bank itu enggan menjawab anda -- LV Ko jūs darītu, kad atklājat JYSKE BANK veic krāpšanu Un banka atsakās tev atbildēt -- KO 당신이 발견했을 때 당신은 무엇을 할 것입니까? JYSKE 은행은 사기를 만들고 있습니다. 그리고 은행이 당신을 대답하기를 거절합니다. -- ZH-TW 當你發現時你會做什麼 JYSKE BANK正在詐騙 銀行拒絕回答你 -- ZH-CN 当你发现时你会做什么 JYSKE BANK正在诈骗 银行拒绝回答你 -- JA あなたが発見したときにあなたは何をしますか? JYSKE銀行は詐欺をしています そして、銀行はあなたに答えることを拒否する -- IT Cosa faresti quando scoprirai JYSKE BANK sta facendo frodi E la banca si rifiuta di rispondervi -- IS Hvað myndir þú gera þegar þú uppgötvar JYSKE BANK er að gera svik Og bankinn neitar að svara þér -- ID Apa yang akan Anda lakukan ketika Anda temukan JYSKE BANK melakukan penipuan Dan bank menolak untuk menjawab Anda -- NL Wat zou je doen als je ontdekt? JYSKE BANK maakt fraude En de bank weigert u te antwoorden -- IW מה היית עושה כשאתה מגלה בנק JYSKE עושה הונאה והבנק מסרב לענות לך -- FI Mitä tekisit, kun huomaat JYSKE BANK tekee petoksia Ja pankki kieltäytyy vastaamasta sinua -- ET Mida te teeksite, kui avastad JYSKE BANK teeb pettuse Ja pank keeldub sulle vastamast -- AR ماذا ستفعل عندما تكتشف JYSKE BANK هو الاحتيال والبنك يرفض الرد عليك -- FR Que feriez-vous quand vous découvrirez JYSKE BANK fait de la fraude Et la banque refuse de vous répondre -- I have a dream Grand client de fraude bancaire danois -- JYSKE BANK

Opråb til dialog CALL
CEO Anders Dam
Jyske bank

The bank denies everything

And will not answer, or show some proof that the loan 4.328.000 kr has been taken in Nykredit

Which jyske bank have lied about since 2009

The customer himself discovered first the lie in 2016

due disease after a brain bleeding in 2009


Due to continued deception

Must the customer also pay a lawyer to in court, ask a judge to stop the fraud

which is much obvious.

Listen med spørgsmål og link nederst redigeres dagligt. Senest rettet 17-11-2017 Spørgsmål 6.A indsat :-) ------------------- Sagen, handler i bund og grund bare om jyske bank bedrager deres kunder, og hvor gode jyske bank er til SVIG foretninger. Læs dagbogen på www.banknyt.dk ------------------- :-( Vi har i sagen mod jyske bank brug for at Nykredit underskriver et dokument. Bare underskrive at vi ikke har hjemtaget noget lån i Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. Som blev tilbudt 20 maj 2008. :-) :-) Se bilag på at tilbud er bortfaldet og derfor ikke kan eksistere. https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10214873510170621&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks :-) :-) BILLEDER I NY TIDSLINIE SAGEN MOD JYSKE BANK FOR BEDRAGERI SVIG https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1493715853997211&id=1045397795495688 :-) :-) Normale og ærlige mennesker ville ikke nægte at hjælpe andre i en sådan sag, men anderledes er det med Nykredit. :-) Nykredit nægter at underskrive, for på den måde at hjælpe jyske bank med at kunne fortsætte bedrageri af kunde. :-) Nykredit kan følge sagen her. Om underskrift. https://facebook.com/Nykredit-dækker-over-SVIG-i-Jyske-Bank-Advokat-Mette-Egholm-Nielsen-svare-351558681922937/ :-( :-) Vi har anmodet vores advokat skrive til Nykredit 20-09-2017 og kræve en underskrift. Hvis Nykredit v/ Advokat Mette Egholm Nielsen Stadig nægter at underskrive. :-( På trods af møde referat fra Nykredit, og de mange beviser på at der ikke findes noget optaget lån i Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr Og at Nykredit heller ikke vil vise der findes et optaget / hjemtager lån i Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. :-) Anmode vi vores advokat, at stævne Nykredit, så de tilpligtes til at underskrive. :-) Vi ved her 5 oktober 2017 stadig ikke om, der er skrevet, eller udtaget stævning mod Nykredit. :-) :-) Vores advokat Skrev 04-10-2017 At han anbefale, at vi opgiver sagen imod jyske bank. Og skriver om højsteretsdomme, om sager omhandlende rente bytte, Men skriver intet om det vores sag handler om. ( de mange spørgsmål som er nederst ) :-) :-) !. Vi blev meget forvirret over at vores advokat kun taler om dårlig rådgivning, omkring en rente bytte med jyske bank, En rentebytte, som jyske bank har lavet ved egen hånd. ! Uden påforhånd at sikker sig en mundtlig eller skriftligt aftale ved kunde. Vores Advokat er oplyst februar 2016 At den anlagte sag mod jyske bank er ændret. FRA DÅRLIG RÅDGIVNING TIL SVIG / BEDRAGERI At vi ikke har et lån 4.328.000 kr. at betale på, eller bytte renter med til nogle. At vi ikke har aftalt og godkendt den rente bytte fra 16-07-2008 som jyske bank opråber sig i retsforhold at være den der er godkendt 15-07-2008. :-) Vi har fremsende alt materiale til vores advokat februar 2016 og løbende herefter. Samt efterfølgende sendt kopi politi anmeldelse af jyske bank for bedrageri. En anmeldelse som stiller store spørgsmåls tegn, ved jyske Banks Hæderlighed, Ærlighed og Troværdighed. Sagen viser tydelige tegn på bedrageri. :-) Materialet er gennemgået ved møde ved min advokat. 2016 og grundig forklaret, og dengang forstået. Desværre mene min advokat tydeligvis ikke, at det nu har nogle betydning for sagen, mod jyske bank, da intet er blevet nævnt eller omtalt. :-) Vores advokat mener kun det handler om dårlig rådgivning, og sagen faktisk er tabt på forhånd, og anbefaler vi skal opgive. Hvorfor Carsten sendte et link hertil siden. :-) For på den måde måske at kunne ændre vores advokats opfattelse af sagen, som han ser den. Vores opfattelse af sagen, er tydeligvis en helt anden end vores advokat. :-) Som ikke syntes de nævnte forhold nederst, har betydning. Nogle de mange forhold, er her indsat som spørsmål nederst , og vi mener de alle har relevans til den anlagte sag, som vi mener er bedrsgeri. :-) Svig for milioner mod kunde i jyske bank. https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/?ref=bookmarks :-) Vores bog og historie om at være 9 år i helvede, med den grønne slagter. Ud af planlagte 20 år. Men nok snarer at skulle skulle være det resten af livet. :-) Grundet jyske bank og en kæmpe løgn. OG nej det er ikke en beskyldning. Vi føler bare at JYSKE BANK LYVER en smule her, måske ligefrem planlagt. :-) Men det taler vi jo mere om i retten, for vi vil have alle vores spørgsmål besvaret, Det er åbenbart det eneste sted jyske bank vil besvare spørgsmål. :-) http://ekstrabladet.dk/kup/dinepenge/andelsboligforeninger-har-faaet-nok-stopper-betalinger-til-gebyrgribbene/6029918 Det er vores almindelige princip, at når en sag verserer for domstolene, udtaler vi os ikke, siger Peter Stig Hansen, juridisk direktør i Jyske Bank (dette er en MASTER som rettes med røbende link på bilag til alle spørgsmål, frem til vi har første retsmøde) :-) Kan denne historie mon betale for sådanne en bil de næste 20 år med alt betalt :-). Det ville være dejligt ny bil hvert andet år, Historien bør blive til en gyser film, selv om der kom mordtrusler fra en der købte flere ph lamper fra Carstens konto mens han var syg, var jyske bank er dog den mindst søde i historien og hjulpet kreditforeningen Nykredit I historien du gerne skulle se som film. :-) Men som da vi intet havde efter jyske bank tog alt fra os, der var intet lys at se forude, nu har vi bare en god historie at fortælle. :-) Lidt mere fra oplevelsen er her https://www.facebook.com/carsten.storbjergskaarup/posts/10212893634034955 En fyldte tanken med olie, TAK En betalte til maden, TAK En betalte medicin, mange hjalp TAK :-) Undtagen jyske bank, de ønskede kun at tage alt og jyske bank tager stadig af kassen til renter af lån som ikke findes. DET ER BEDRAGERI SVIG SVINDEL :-) Mens jyske bank tog hvad de kunne tage, gemte vi dette minde, Carsten's hjerne :-) den huske hele historien. Om den tyvagtige og bedrageriske JYSKE BANK. ----- :-) :-) Bliver du Snydt af jyske bank så fortæl om det, Og har du brug for hjælp i din sag så ring 40333400. Carsten hjælper dig Gratis :-) Carsten ved om nogle hvordan jyske bank arbejder, og lyver for at tjære penge. :-) :-) Svar udbedes her eller i retten. :-) :-) Vi afventer 5-10-207 svar fra vores advokat om han mener vi har optaget et lån i Nykredit, efter tilbudet 20 maj 2008 på 4.328.000 kr. Og har aftalt om han mener vi har aftalt at bytte renter med jyske bank, på dette lån. Jævnfør den af jyske Banks fremlagte rente bytte lavet 16-07-2008 Som skulle erstatte den der er aftalt 15-07-2008 :-) :-) Mens vi venter så læs med. Lidt af de spørgsmål jyske bank ignorere og ikke vil svare på, :-) Men hvad jyske bank vil jo overhoved ikke tale med Carsten Storbjerg, det har bestyrelsen ved Philip Baruch skrevet 31/5-2016 Og på havkatten skriver de, sagen må gå sin gang, og det handler om jura Lige som de skriver at jyske bank overholder alle regler og love :-) Hej jyske bank, i er tilbudt dialog men ønsker det ikke, vi er også ved at være ret ligeglad kun far vil tale, men vil ikke være til grin. 1 år og 6 måneder gik uden at jyske bank har, ville elle tør svare på, om det lån i Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. er falsk eller sandt, og i øvrigt intet vil svare på. :-) jyske bank behøver slet ikke svare, på noget som helst, er ved at være ret ligeglad, Men tænk da på bankernes omdømme, og ATP PFA mm som støtter jyske Banks handlinger ved aktie køb, og deres partner som REALMÆGLERNE GF FORSIKRING MM ;-( Banken får alligevel alle spørgsmål i retten. Så vi tager den der fra, Dyrt for Carsten med retten, men det er jo bankens måde at forsøge at stoppe disse dumme spørgsmål fra kunde der føler sig bedraget, ingen beskyldning men føler os bedraget. :-) :-) I retten må vi så bare ønske en god forestilling. Og se det sande jyske bank arbejde med jura af bølgepap og stjerne advokater, med speciale i bestyrelses ansvar. Opdater 23-09-2017 Jyske bank har på ingen måde vist ønske om dialog, Min advokat er ikke blevet kontaktet siden 2-11-2016 med en skjult dagsorden en rente sikring. :-) Gud fader i skuret, afviste på stedet at spilde tiden, så heller en dom da. jyske bank må gerne komme til mig, hvis de har noget de vil undskylde, de skal ikke spilde min advokats tid, han skal snart lave nyt proces skrift med de forhold som er fremlagt. :-) Og skal laves så sagen kan rykke videre i straffe retten efter. Regner ikke det af jyske Banks bestyrelses forliges tilbud, for andet end et nyt forsøg på at snyde mig med en Swap, vi kan jo ikke stole på jyske bank :-) Seneste henvendelse fra jyskebank var tilbudet om at lave en rente sikring på et andet lån som jeg har hjemtaget langt op i 2009 Dette var en direkte fornærmelse mod min familie og mig. :-) Halo jyske bank, og Philip Baurch jeg er altså blevet rask, så stop nu jeres latterlige forsøg på at snyde mig. :-) Kære jyske bank er taget i groft svig og løgne så tro ikke jeg er helt dum, og uden advokater fandt jeg ud at jyske Banks sande fundament. :-) Hvis bare det en masse fejl så bør jyske bank komme til mig, selv om det virker ret bevist, efter CEO blev oplyst om det 25 maj 2016 Ring 40 33 34 00 tal med Carsten istedet for at lave mere lort for jyskebanks troværdighed. Undskyld sproget men er lidt sur :-) -- Spørgsmål er næppe nye. Desværre vil Jyske bank ikke besvare nogle af dem. :-) :-) - 0. Sagens start, og hvorfor sagen faktisk startede, det handlede først om dårlig rådgivning. Rentesikring (eller rente swap) (eller rentebytte) til et underlægende lån i Nykredit. Dette er ikke et spørgsmål men en konstatering, Swappen W015785999 på 4.328.000 kr. som er lavet 16/7 2008 hvor Jyske Bank siger den er lavet 15/7 2008, at vi har godkendt denne. for at rentesikker et underlægende lån, også på 4.328.000 kr. som Jyske Bank har fortalt 3 personer, der har bistået i sagen, og i øvrigt alle er advokater, for at overbevise dem at Jyske Bank talte sandt. Og der ikke var noget at gøre, derfor opfordrede Advokat Søren Nav på dette grundlag at Carsten opgav kampen og derved betalte jyske bank, og i øvrigt opgav. Carsten siger i dag at swappen Swappen W015785999 ikke er aftalt, og det underlægende lån er FALSK, eller, siger bare det findes ikke i nykredit. https://www.facebook.com/pg/JyskeBank.dk/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1313767645325367 :-) :-) ----- 1. Hvordan kan jyske bank lave 2 byggekreditter, til 2 forskellige virksomheder, (2 cvr nummer). Både samtidige og overlappende Altså på samme kontonummer. ?. Er det ikke det samme som at sætte den samme nummerplade på 2 forskellige biler Samtidigt :-) ? Hvordan ved man hvilket cvr. Som betaler når der er 2 virksomheder på ? https://www.facebook.com/pg/JyskeBank.dk/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1314913848544080 :-) :-) ----- 2. Hvordan kan et swap bilag, blive væk. ? Altså den swap aftale, som kun er indgået, under forudsætning hvis man hjemtager det underlægende lånetilbud ? Det er her vist bare 2 bilag, som er blevet væk, for jyske bank. :-) En aftale og at aftalen lukkes. Og måske er andre bilag også blevet væk, hvis de findes :-) https://www.facebook.com/pg/JyskeBank.dk/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1315070638528401 :-) :-) -- 3. Selve forudsætningen for swap aftalen. Var både forkert og mangelfuld, og havde kun et formål. At jyske bank, måske bevist har fortiet og tilbageholdt flere oplysninger, over for deres kunde, forud for en swap aftale, har du vores ord på. Jyske bank syntes tilsyneladende ikke at huske, hvad banken oplyste i deres swap anbefalinger, Og derefter benægter at have tilbage holdt oplysninger, for deres kunde. Desværre har vi ikke optagelser af disse samtaler. Vi kommer ind på hvad jyske bank faktisk oplyste og svarede. Vi viste på daværende tidspunkt desværre ikke, at jyske bank efterfølgende ville benægte. Og at det derfor var nødvendigt at optage samtaler i jyske bank. Efterfølgende har vi dog fundet flere beviser, på at jyske bank har løjet for os i gennem de sidste 9 år. Vi kan og vil bevise, dokumentere løgne fra jyske bank. :-) :-) -- 4. Hvordan kan et swap bilag, blive væk. ? Altså en swap aftale der bliver lukket. og derefter at forsvinde, for jyske bank ? Det er vist her bare de 2 bilag der er blevet væk, for jyske bank. :-) (Det ene bilag finder jyske bank dog igen 7 år efter) :-) https://www.facebook.com/pg/JyskeBank.dk/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1315070638528401 :-) :-) -- 5. Hvorfor er de 2 bilag, ikke medtaget på årsopgørelsen, for det år hvor aftalen laves og lukkes. Der findes på årsopgørelsen kun den swap jyske bank egenhændigt har lavet. Det ene af de forsvundne bilag, er heldigvis efterfølgende dukket op igen, i en mail fremsendt fra et bestyrelsesmedlem. Men det er ikke på års opgørelsen ? :-) Hvordan kan 2 juridiske gældende dokumenter forsvinde fra Jyske Bank, må man fjerne disse. ? https://www.facebook.com/pg/JyskeBank.dk/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1316246245077507 :-) :-) — 6. Hvordan kan jyske bank, egenhændigt lave en ny rentebytte / swap aftale, uden at tale med deres kunde først ?. :-) Og derefter at indsætte deres nye rentebytte / swap bilag, i stedet for det swap bilag der i første omgang forsvandt :-). Fra jyske bank. Heldigvis dukkede det forsvundet bilag op igen, i et fremsendt svar fra jyske bank sep. 2015 Da en af jyske banks bestyrelsesmedlemmer og advokat, var så venlig og sender en kopi til retten i Viborg, i den anlagte sag mod jyske bank. :-) Og at jyske bank derefter februar 2015 på spørgsmål, oplyser at de kun har ombyttet de 2 bilag. Her er tale om et bilag / en swap aftale, som kunden ikke har anmodet jyske bank om at lave, eller indsætte til et lånetilbud. Findes der en mundtlig eller en skriftlig godkendelse af den aftale / bilag om det :-) Vi efterlyser bevis. :-) :-) — 6.A. Må man ændre i en indgået aftale. (Glem lige at jyske bank i svaret tilbageholder oplysninger om at aftalen er lukket) Jyske bank Philip Baurch skrive i retsforhold, efter 10-09-2015 hvor jyske bank er blivet opdaget. i at fuske med dokumenterne. At jyske bank 16-07-2008 kun har rettet i indgået aftale fra 15-07-2008 Altså jyske bank skriver at banken har rettet i et juridisk dokument, uden om kunden, og ikke fået en godkendelse. At jyske Banks advokat Lund Elmer Sandager oplyser i er retsforhold at jyske bank retter i en aftale, der er blevet lukket, bekymrer ikke advokaterne. Men når Lund Elmer Sandager i et retsforhold bruger falske oplysninger om lån der ikke findes, bliver man ikke overrasket. :-) :-) — 7. Hvordan kan jyske bank lade en ikke eksisterende gæld tinglyse. Altså lade et lånetilbud tinglyse som det var hjemtaget når lånet ikke er hjemtaget, eller overhoved findes hjemtaget og udbetalt :-) En kopi af hjemtagelsesanmodning med min underskrift og kopi af udbetalingen, er blevet efterlyst. :-) :-) — 8. Hvilket bilag er brugt over for tinglysningsretten, for at kunne tinglyse gælden til lån 4.328.000 kr. i Nykredit, som aldrig er blevet hjemtaget. 8.A Har jyske bank selv rykket tilbage i pantrækkefølge og givet Nulredit oprykkende pant på 4.328.000 kr. 16-04-2009. 8.B Har jyske bank jyske bank selv tinglyst pantet på 4.328.000 kr. til Nykredit 16-04-2009. :-) :-) — 9. Hvordan kan jyske bank hæve af betroede midler, til tinglysning af et lån i Nykredit, som ikke findes. først efter selv at blive stævnet indrømmer Nykredit, at de intet kender til lånet.? Lånet som jyske bank nægter at bevise hjemtaget og udbetalt. https://facebook.com/pg/JyskeBank.dk/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1317733184928813&ref=page_internal :-) :-) -- 10. Hvordan kan jyske bank hæve af betroede midler, for lånesagsomkostninger til Nykredit Som Nykredit efter selv at være stævnet, indrømmer at de intet kender til. Lånet som jyske bank hæver lånesags omkostninger for at formidle. Og som jyske bank nægter at bevise findes, som hjemtaget og udbetalt. https://www.facebook.com/pg/JyskeBank.dk/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1317095824992549 Udnyttelse: https://www.facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046330268735774.1073741836.1045397795495688/1233278270040972/?type=3&theater :-) :-) — 11. Hvordan kan jysk bank hæve af betroet midler, til gebyr for at lave sikkerhed over for Nykredit på et lån der ikke findes.? :-) :-) — 12. Hvordan kan jyske bank kræve en grund tvangssolgt, når banken ved de ikke selv har første ret til provenuet. Min ejendomsret er blevet krænket. :-) :-) — 13. Hvordan kan jyske bank forsvare at banken kræver et påstået underliggende lån til en swap (der der ikke er godkendt) afdrage ekstraordinært, og samtidig selv hæve renter af provenuet frem til 2028. er det ikke bedrageri. ? :-) :-) — 14. Hvordan kan jyske bank nægte at have krævet et tvangssalg, når banken udmærket ved, at det alene var et krav fra jyske bank. :-) :-) — 15. Hvordan kan jyske bank forklare at deres advokat og bestyrelse efter nok 20 breve, alle med samme meget klare og tydelige spørgsmål, vælger at svare direkte forkert på spørgsmål, om et lån var hjemtaget og blevet udbetalt mm.? Altså forsøger at vildlede. :-) :-) — 16. Hvorfor lyver jyske bank, over for sin kunde, skriver direkte usandt i mail om at et lån findes, selv om banken ved det er usandt. :-) :-) — 17. Hvorfor lyver jyske bank, når de skriver i mail at jeg har lavet lånet om, igen når banken ved det aldrig har været hjemtaget, så kan det heller ikke omlægges. ? :-) :-) — 18. Hvorfor vil jyske bank ikke svare deres kunder, som stiller spørgsmål, om et lån kunden ved ikke har hjemtaget. Det er vel banken, jyske bank som skal bevise, at kunden har hjemtaget, et lån i Nykredit. Selv om Nykredit bekræfter at de intet kender til det påstået lån ? :-) :-) — 19. Hvorfor nægter jyske bank at modtage provenuet, efter jyske Banks tvangs salg af grunden :-) :-) — 20. Hvorfor nægter jyske bank at lave deponeringskonto. Kort sagt hvorfor nægter jyske bank, alt til at jyske bank skulle være involveret i kravet, om tvangssalget, Når jyske bank ikke kan være i tvivl om hvad banken laver. 3 år skulle der gå, før :-) :-) — 21. Hvorfor godkender jyske bank et byggebudget, som jyske bank ved ikke stemmer, Jyske banks mand siger flere gange, om jeg har husket alt, (der er glemt provisioner renter mm) Skulle banken ikke kunne se det ? Jyske Bank siger så sender i budgettet til godkendelse i Nykredit, og i dag ved jeg det er alene jyske bank det :-) :-) — 22. Hvorfor ville jyske Bank ikke hjælpe, at finde ud af hvem som indsatte kr. 1.000.000 kr ( 1 million.) på min konto, selv om jyske bank godt viste svaret. Det kunne være en fejl eller hvidvaskning. ? :-) :-) — 23. Hvorfor oplyser jyske bank at man skal skynde sig at få og hjemtage et lån, da man ellers nok ikke kan låne hele beløbet. ? Jyske bank har selv godkendt budgettet og lånet over for Nykredit, som efterfølgende ikke vil godkende lånebeløbet og kræver det nedbragt med 800.000 kr. Kan også hænge sammen med at der er en Swap som ikke skulle betyde noget, bidraget stiger således fra 0,8 % til 3 % Dette har Nykredit bekræftet telefonisk er grundet swappen, men afviser efterfølgende på mail at skulle have bekræftet dette. (Klog af skade, så det findes en optagelse der bekræfter.) Men lån og rente bytte er fri fantasi En Swap jyske bank ikke oplyser Nykredit noget om, som at jyske bank ønsker denne Swap med på et lån. (Nu er denne Swap dog kun lavet og indsat af jyske bank, uden anmodning eller godkendelse.) :-) :-) - 24. Er det rigtigt at jyske bank efter at først have godkendt et bygge projekt med lån på 4.300.000 kr. overfor nykredit, under betingelser som er overholdt. Derefter ved færdiggørelsen, får oplyst at der kun kan lånes 3.500.000 kr. Og det af jyske Bank, hjemtaget lån i Nykredit nu skal nedbringes med 800.000 kr. Grundet Nykredit efter at have set ejendommen og opdaget der er en Swap registeret ikke vil godkende det lån som jyske bank godkendte. ? :-) :-) - 25. Er det rigtigt at jyske bank, nu har bragt deres kunde ud i at måtte låne de penge i jyske bank som lånet skulle nedbringes med Og til en rente på 9,25 % :-) :-) - 26. Er det rigtigt at jyske bank efterfølgende krævede salgsfuldmagt til at kunne sælge den nybyggede ejendom. ? :-) :-) - 27. Er det rigtigt at jyske bank efterfølgende krævede salgsfuldmagt til at kunne sælge den låntagers private ejendom. ? :-) :-) - 28. Er det rigtigt at jyske bank spærrede deres kundes kontoer for at afkræve underskrifter på disse salgs fuldmagter, Samt for at få deres kunde, til at indgå afdrags aftaler med banken, som kunden meget nemt kunne risikere ikke at kunne overholde. Aftaler som udspringer sig af swappen og det underlægende lån :-) :-) :-) - 29. Er det rigtigt at jyske bank spændte deres kunde så hårdt. Har jyske bank spekuleret i at kunden ikke måtte have mulighed for at indbringe sagen for retten, hvorfor det har været jyske Banks ønske at stække kunden ØKNOMISK Således at kunden med stor sandsynlighed, ikke kunne finde penge til at hyrer en advokat. Så frem kunden nu ville fortsætte den sag, der allerede var indbragt for penge instituttets ankenævn. :-) :-) - 30. Er det rigtigt at jyske bank efterfølgende, ville have pant i alle virksomhedens anparter, således banken fik fuld kontrol. Hvilket 100 % ville have ført til konkurs, såfremt det var lykkes banken, at få en underskrift. :-) :-) - 31. Er det rigtigt at kunden ikke kunne betale andre kreditorer, da jyske bank forfordelte sig selv, ved at sikker sig pant i alt. Og at kunden derved mistede et 25 årig gammel virksomhed, og tabte aktie kapitalen. Kunden redede kun sig selv og ejendom. Ved ikke at underskrive den pant, jyske Bank ville have i selskabet der ejede den nybyggede bygning. :-) :-) - 32. Er det rigtigt at jyske bank, samtidens med at Nykredit krævede det af jyske bank godkendte påforhåndslån 4.300.000 kr. Nedbragt til 3.500.000 kr. Samtids selv fortsatte (fortsætter) med at hæve renter på deres egen Swap aftale ( den Swap som jyske bank selv lavede, efter den som kunden lavede, blev lukket. Og til lånet som vi efterlyser bevis på er hjemtaget og udbetalt.) Og at jyske Bank vil tage oplyst 5,32 % i renter af afdraget frem til 2028 :-) :-) - 33. Er det rigtigt, når man regner på swappen realt betaler en rente på mindst ca. 5,63 % Ligger beregning på. Der kommer et link https://facebook.com/profile.php?id=355265088189333 :-) :-) - 34. Er det rigtigt at jyske bank, hæver renter på den Swap jyske bank egenhændigt har lavet, Mellem 1-4 dage før de selv oplyser Og derved sikker dig en ekstra indtægt på flere ekstra rente dage. (Anslaget på et 20 årig lån svare det til et kvartal.) ca 50.000 kr lige i skuffen Således kunden konto kan gå i minus og jyske bank herefter tager en stor over % i rente. :-) :-) - 35. Er det rigtigt at jyske bank har krævede adskillige sikkerheder, grundet den Swap jyske bank selv har lavet, til det påstået lån. Som: Pant sikkerheder der er omkring eller over 100 % over det samlede lånte beløb. :-) :-) - 36. Hvad findes der af forældelsesregler, omkring hævet af betroet midler,? Som eksempel punkt. 9, 10 og 11. Vel og mærket til lån og sikkerheder for lån der ikke findes. Spørgsmål er nødvendigt da jyske bank åbenlyst syntes at spekulere i forældelsesregler. :-) :-) - 38. Virksomheden har betalt anden virksomheds gæld ved vildledning fra jyske bank. Når jyske bank kan lave samme konto nummer til flere virksomheder samtidens :-) :-) - 39. Og at jyske bank selv flytte gæld fra en virksomhed til en anden virksomhed over natten. Taler kun om 280.000 kr Der er således opstået et problem til, som ikke før er nævnt. Jyske bank har ved at pålægger en ny virksomhed en enden virksomheds gæld på ca. 280.000 kr. Et nyt forhold der handler om penge. Det må være svig også, for det var ikke noget denne virksomhed skulle betale, Storbjerg erhverv har betalt en anden virksomheds gæld til jyske bank grundet vildledning er der tale svigagtighed eller hvad https://facebook.com/917187698410423/photos/a.941075642688295.1073741830.917187698410423/941264692669390/?type=3 :-) :-) - 40. Er det rigtigt at Jyske bank ved Lund Elmer Sandager Advokater 31-05-2016 har frabet sig henvendelser, fra kunden som stiller spørgsmål om falsk lån, og falske rentebytte af dette lån. :-) :-) -- 41. Er det rigtigt at Lund Elmer Sandager 31-05-2016 lyver over for kunden, på hans spørgsmål fra 25-05-2016 om han har optaget / hjemtaget et lån på 4.328.000 kr. i Nykredit :-) :-) - 42. Er det rigtigt at Lund Elmer Sandager 31-05-2016 lyver over for kunden, på hans spørgsmål fra 25-05-2016 hvor lånet på de 4.328.000 kr. fra Nykredit er indsat :-) :-) - 43.Er det rigtigt at kunden, efter jyske bank forbød / frabad sig at kunden skrev til jyske bank, eller dennes advokater, hargentagende gange har skrævet på havkatten, troustpilot har Jyske bank på disse medier ikke ville svare kunden. :-) :-) - 43.Er det rigtigt, at jyske bank har set kundens hjemmeside banknyt.dk hvor der ergjort utallige forsøg, på at få dialog med Jyske bank, lige som det på facesbook er forsøgt med opslag at komme i dialog med jyske bank, og jyske bank. :-) :-) - 43.Er det rigtigt at jyske bank på intet tidspunk, efter 31-05-2016 har ønskede at besvare nogle henvendelser fra kunden bag banknyt.dk :-) :-) - ------ Hvorfor vil jyske bank ikke tale med mig. Er jyske bank så penge begærlige at de vil bryde alle love og regler for at nå målet ? - Husk god skik at notere lidt om jyske bank holdning til den Swappen hvis den var aftalt: Måske har idioten opdaget at jyske bank hæver renter af 1.8 million til en swap :-) Kunne Philip Baruch tænke da han fremsender, tilbud om at forliges mødes, 2 november 2016 Altså af en swap det ikke er aftale Og af 1.8 million kr. der ikke engang skyldes Og i øvrigt som jyske bank selv har krævet de fleste nedbragt af Første gang skulle der nedbringes 800.000 kr. Sjovt nok det var efter Nykredit opdagede swappen. :-) :-) Så om jyske bank er en ærlig bank eller om jyske bank er en bank der slagter deres kunder, hvis de får muligheden for det. Det må retten vudere, du har lidt at læse på, så må du vudere selv. :-) :-) Da Nikolai Hansen jyske bank, selv på vegne af jyske bank, både foreslog og fortalte swap var det bedste og lidt billiger, og var lige så sikkert som et oblationslån Så var det en stor løgn, dette skal jeg snart fortælle i retten. :-) :-) Og det er ikke god skik, men jyske bank Philip Baruch siger god skik regl. At den behøver jyske bank ikke at efterleve, eller overholde. Der er ingen konsekvens når jyske bank vælger ikke at overholde god skik for banker, hvilket kommer i et punkt. :-) Der kommer løbende spørgsmål, som vi vil forsøge at afdække. ------------------ :-) Jeg undersøgte frisproces regler, og mener at jeg kunne få fri proces, hvorfor jeg i nok november 2016, spørger min advokat om det ikke var en god ide, under henvisning til procesbevillings regler at søge. :-) Og ville gerne have at han fremlage mine nye påstande og søgte, min advokat søgte kun med dårlig rådgivning som grund, hvorfor jeg naturligvis fik afslag, og anbefalede ikke at anke afslaget. Selfølgelig har jeg anket selv om min advokat ikke anbefalede det, og fremsendte de bilag der omhandlede sagen. :-) Sagen er principiel da jyske bank laver svig / bedrageri for millioner mod lille kunde. At en dansk bank som jyske bank lyver lån på 4.328.000 kr. Hjemtager og hæver renter fra kunden private konto. Selvfølgelig starter sagen med dette her, af jyske bank påstået lån i Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. som er falsk. :-) :-) Afventer stadig svar, om der er sendt beviser nok. http://www.civilstyrelsen.dk/Fri_proces/fri_proces/rimelig_grund.aspx Herefter handle det mindre om at jyske bank forsøgte, og stadig forsøger at umuliggøre det øknomiske grundlag, for at kunne sagsøge jyske bank, når banken fortsætter med at tage eller ved svig stjæle af kagedåsen. mine penge, således jeg måske ikke kan betale :-) Det er sådan jyske bank kvæler deres kunder i sagsøge banken. Således kan en bank som jyske bank slippe, for at deres små erhvervsdrivende får mulighed for at søge hjælp. Når Danmarks største banker tilsyneladende, snyder og bedrager deres erhvervs kunder, som banker son jyske bank kan spekulere i at stække deres kunder :-) og derfor måske ikke har ØKNOMISK mulighed for at sagsøge banken, som de mange Swap offer der blev slagtet, lige som jyske bank ville slagte os. :-) - Vi har brug for at folketinget giver mindre erhverv virksomheder, samme muligheder som private Og at få lovgivet at banker som jyske bank skal overholde regler som god skik, nu jyske bank tydligt skriver at banken ikke skal overholde god skik

But it does not have to be such

The bank can cooperate with the customer

and talk about this here

It must be clear to Jyske Bank

That the customer does not want a fight against the giant bank

The bank just has to take a head out of the bush, and talk with us.


And talk about the matter, find a solution

10 years. is enough 

Does the bank have no honesty back

Hallo OPRÅB til jyske bank, vi forsøger at få ørenlyd. TAL MED OS RING LUND ELMER SANDAGER ADVOKATER KAN LYTTE MED. VI HAR LAGT ET ÅBENT BREV TIL HANRIK HØBNER OM HAN VIL HJÆLPE MED AT FORSTÅ STRAFFELOVEN, HVAD SIGER ANDRE BANKER OM JYSKE BANKS MÅDE AT BEHANDLE SVAGE KUNDER PÅ PYT MED AT DET ER JYSKE BANK DER ER VED AT MISTE DERES TROVLRDIGHED FOR DER ER NOGET GALT MED FUNDAMENTET I JYSKE BANK ØNSKER KONTAKT HJÆLP OS MED AT JYSKE BANK OPDAGER AT DER ER EN KUNDER SOM ØNSKER DIALOG MED JYSK BANK, DEN STORE DANSKE BANK JYSKE BANK. NEJ VI ER IKKE SURE MEN ØNSKER SAMTALE MED CEO ANDERS DAM FOR VORES SAG SAGEN MÅ LIGGE HOS LEDELSEN OG BESTYRELSEN I JYSKE BANK SOM VEL ER ANSVARLIGE FOR JYSKE BANKS HANDLINGER. TAL NU MED OS HAR VI TAGET FEJL OG ER DOKUMENTERNE SOM ER FREMLAGT FALSKE SKAL VI NARTURLIGVIS UNDSKYLDE VI UNDSKYLDER GERNE HVIS VI TAGER FEJL, VIL JYSKE BANK OGSÅ DET. Og skrev derfor til den 25. maj 2016 jyske bank omkring et tilsyneladende falsk lån. Vi taler om et tilbud på 4.328.000 kr. fra Nykredit af 20. maj 2008 som gjaldt til 20. november 2008 Vi ønskede bare forklaring på hvordan Jyske Bank kan tinglyse en gæld til Nykredit på et lån, der vist slet ikke fandtes, hverken i Nykredit eller i jyske bank. Vi har i år forud for disse henvendelser forsøgt at få fuld AKTINDSIGT Ved at skrive til Birgit Bush Thuesen og Advokat Morten Ulrik Gade, Morten Ulrik Gade svare efter 2 - 3 års forsøg på at få aktindsigt af jyske bank endelig et svar 17. november 2015, morten er afvisende at Jyske Bank ikke er forpligtet til at give aktindsigt. Altså jyske bank snupper renter til et lån på 4.328.000 kr. Som jyske bank ikke vil bevise findes. Kan ikke lade være med at tænke på den skattesvindel Jyske bank var indblandet i, DR lavede et program om denne skattesvindel, hvor jyske bank skulle stifte 2000 selskaber for at deres kunder kunne slippe for skat i Danmark. JYSKE BANK ER EN LUKKET BANK EN BANK SOM NÆGTER KUNDER AKTINDSIGT EN BANK DER BEVISTE GIVER FORKERTE SVAR: HVORDAN PASSET DET SAMMEN MED JYSKE BANKS VÆRDIER Jyske Bank selv efterlyser åbenhed hos andre, som da DR fangede Jyske Bank i Skatte rådgivning. Når Jyske Bank efterlyser en lignende åbenhed som her fra DR i Skattesagen Er der for os uforståeligt at jyske bank, selv er en bank der nægter deres kunder indsigt i deres dokumenter. Hvis det er fundamentet i jyske bank, passer det dårligt sammen med ord som Åbenhed Ærlighed Troværdighed Hæderlighed Overgolder alle love og regler, hjælper ikke med svindel osv. Vi kander en spade for spade, og spørger derfor Jyske bank et utal af gange om det samme. Vi ønsker jo bare en samtale hvor vi kan gennemgå vores sag. For at blive udsat for 9 års lidelse hvor Jyske bank ville slå os ihjel og tage alle vores penge, grundet noget der ligner svindel svig snyd bedrageri tyveri tvangs salg osv. MÅ VI SÅ IKKE BEDE OM EN FORKLARING -*- Frank Pedersen, direktør for kommunikation ved Jyske Bank, sammen med en kollega klar ved tasterne på Jyske Banks :Det er en værdi, vi har i Jyske Bank. Vi kalder en spade for en spade. Vi er ikke så gode til at pakke tingene ind. Jyske Bank rådgiver tilsyneladende gerne om, hvordan man kan gemme sine penge for de danske skattemyndigheder. Det fremgik af dokumentarudsendelsen 'Skattely', som netop er blevet sendt på DR1. -*- --------------------------------- Men her er der Et lån / gæld på 4.328.000 kr. som Jyskebank kræver sikkerhed for, for forhøjet pantsikkerhed. Jyske bank hævede over 100.000 kr. af betroede midler, tinglyste gælden på 4.328.000 kr. til Nykredit 16. april 2009 Jyske bank hævede igen af betroet midler, og lavede garantier for dette lån, (oplyst 4.328.000 kr.) til Nykredit, Nykredit opdager denne tinglyste gæld, som ikke jo ikke findes. 6. maj 2009 og sletter herefter denne, Det sker samtids med at vi har bet op et tilbud fra nykredit, hvilket Nykredit sender til Jyske bank modtages 7. maj. 2009 , heri oplyser Nykredit at tidligere tilbud fra 20. maj 2008 4.328.000 kr. er bortfaldet. Dette er ikke indsat på den liste med spørgsmål vi har til Jyske Bank Vi vil faktisk gerne spørger jyske Bank, om det bilag ( Bilag 75 eller 1042 i vores mappe ) aftale om finansielle instrumenter, som kunden her er blevet afkrævet en underskrift på, for at hans lån ikke skulle blive opsagt. Bilaget er om at bytte renter med Jyske Bank, på det lån i nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. Men det findes jo ikke Bilaget er udateret Men må være lavet omkring det tidspunkt 8. maj 2009. at Jyske bank modtaget oplysning fra Nykredit, denne dato er sikket, Jyske bank ved at der ikke findes noget lån på 4.328.000 kr. Eftersom tilbudet både er forældet og bortfaldet. DERFOR SPØRGES JYSKE BANK, hvad har kunden fået ud af, at jyske bank krævede en underskrift 11. maj 2009 på forhøjet sikkerhed for dette lån i Nykredit på 4.328.000 kr. som jyske bank med 100 % sikkerhed, er bekendt om at det ikke findes. Vi ønsker jo bare at vi sammen går det her i gennem, Selvfølge hvis det er Jyske bank ønske at snyde deres kunder bedst muligt, er det svært at give et svar. MANGLENDE LÅNE HJEMTAGELSE AF 4.328.000 kr. DET FINDES IKKE. Vi kunne ikke finde låne dokumenteret på de påstået 4.328.000 kr. Og beder jyske bank om en kopi. Jyske bank ønskede ikke at svare, på nogle af disse henvendelser. Efter mange forsøg for at få jyske bank til at svare opgav vi Og tilbød i stedet Jyske bank 250.000 kr. for en kopi, (for at få en reaktion) Vi ønskede en kopi af det lån, på de 4.328.000 kr. der måtte være i nykredit, og som jyske bank bytter renter med, på en rentebytte aftale som liggere efter den vi har lavet, ? Først skriver vi til Advokat Morten Ulrik Gade, så til Jyske banks Ledelse Jyske Banks Bestyrelse Jyske banks CEO leder Anders Dam og til Jyske Bank Advokater i Lund Elmer Sandager, hvor Philip Baurch bestyrelses medlemmet over for retten, har skrevet og oplyst nogle ting der vist ikke er helt sande, samt tilbageholdt flere oplysninger. DETTER ER NOGET VI GERNE VI I DIALOG OM. JYSKE BANK PÅSTÅR AT BANKEN GÅR IND FOR DIALOG HVORFOR SVARE DEN ÆRLIGE JYSKE BANK SÅ IKKE., MEN SVAER 31. MAJ 2016 EFTER KUNDENS TILBUD OM BETALING FOR EN LÅNE KOPI. JYSKE BANK FRABEDER SIG HENVENDELSER I DENNE SAG SE SAGEN I DAGBOGEN PÅ WWW.BANKNYT.DK Hvis jyske bank bare ville tale om disse eventyrlige små søde troværdigheds problemer, så kunne vi måske slippe uden om Byretten, det er jo latterligt at vi skal trække Jyske bank i retten vare for at bevare et par spørgsmål, Spørgsmål der er lige ud godteposen, som vi gerne vil have svar på, https://www.facebook.com/carsten.storbjergskaarup/posts/10212864678591087?mds=%2Fedit%2Fpost%2Fdialog%2F%3Fcid%3DS%253A_I1213101334%253A10212864678591087%26ct%3D2%26nodeID%3Dm_story_permalink_view%26redir%3D%252Fstory_chevron_menu%252F%253Fis_menu_registered%253Dtrue%26perm%26loc%3Dpermalink&mdf=1 Listen opdateres før sagen kommer i Retten Her er en liste med møg-sager med Jyske Bank i centrum https://www.mja.dk/article/20131105/ARTIKEL/311059956

Head of the bank Jyske Bank CEO Anders Dam
has been announced several times since 2016
that there is no loan to raise interest rates
But he does not care

We want the guy to have our lives back


Attachments are all Danish but can guarantee they are genuine


You probably think this customer may be crazy

but unfortunately not

take the time and read this,

With focus on attachments and dates


Remember you can always ask if something does not make sense.

The only thing we can do as a customer

When the bank will not answer is writing.


IMG_20180523_143743113 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_20180607_123823921 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180604_130358926 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180605_114542788_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180603_202321300 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180603_202314456_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180603_202307663_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180603_202302014 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180603_071458613 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180603_071447658 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180603_071438755 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180603_071427073 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180603_071049538_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180603_071025626_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180603_204514189_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180603_204506549_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180603_202336362 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180603_202323772 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180603_071012249_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180602_220337266 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180602_220331775 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180602_220326482 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180602_220321218 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180602_220317002 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180602_220312480 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180602_215931988 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180602_074849636_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180602_074841100_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180602_074510562 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180602_074506207_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180602_074438866_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180602_074426894_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180602_074405426 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180601_184740950_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180601_181042401 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180601_181033699_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180601_181025968_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180601_170920718 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180601_170756641_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180601_170745838_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180601_170743189 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180601_170733237_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180601_170726405_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180601_170718901_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180601_170712571 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180601_170657566 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180530_123628700 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180530_123620176_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180530_123604816_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180527_075837052_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180527_075826587_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180527_075822362 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180527_075815416 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180527_075807054 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180527_075757092 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180527_075754235 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180524_181348731_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180524_181338414 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180524_181312921 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180524_181301741 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180607_143554664 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180711_161749087 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180711_153714670 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180711_153712005 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180709_185159966 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180709_185155004 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180709_185144590_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180615_192642585_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180614_131456155 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180614_131454473 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180614_131401237 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt IMG_20180609_080921319_HDR / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt


IMG_2653 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_3106 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_3104 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_3103 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_3102 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_3101 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_3100 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_3099 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_3098 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_3097 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_3096 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_3095 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_3094 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_3093 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_3092 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_3091 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_3090 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_3088 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_2868 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_2867 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_2866 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_2791 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_2766 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_2764 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_2759 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_2719 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_2716 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_2661 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_2659 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_2658 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_2657 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_2656 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_2655 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_2654 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966 IMG_2651 / JYSKE BANKs SVINDEL / FRAUD - CALL / OPRÅB :-) Can the bank director CEO Anders Dam not understand We only want to talk with the bank, JYSKE BANK And find a solution, so we can get our life back We are talking about The last 10 years, the bank provisionally has deceived us. The Danish bank took 10 years from us. :-) Please talk to us #AndersChristianDam Rather than continue deceive us With a false interest rate swap, for a loan that has not never existed We write, and write, and write, while the bank continues the very deliberate fraud which the entire Group Board is aware of. :-) :-) A case that is so inflamed, that not even the Danish press does dare comment on it. do you think that there is something about what we are writing about. Would you ask the bank management Jyske Bank Link to the bank further down Why they will not answer their customer And deliver a copy of the loan, 4.328.000 DKK as the bank claiming the customer has borrowed i Nykredit As the Danish Bank changes interest rates, for the last 10 years, Actually since January 1, 2009 - Now the customer discovered and informed the Jyske Bank Jyske 3-bold Bank May 2016 that there was no loan taken. We are talking about fraud for millions, against just one customer :-) :-) Where do you come into contact with a fraudster who just does not want to stop deceiving you Have tried for over 2 years. DO YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION :-) from www.banknyt.dk Startede i jyske bank Helsingør I.L Tvedes Vej 7. 3000 Helsingør Dagblad Godt hjulpet af jyske bank medlemmer eller ansatte på Vesterbro, Vesterbrogade 9. Men godt assisteret af jyske bank hoved kontor i Silkeborg Vestergade Hvor koncern ledelsen / bestyrelsen ved Anders Christian Dam nu hjælper til med at dette svindel fortsætter Jyske Banks advokater som lyver for retten Tilbød 2-11-2016 forligs møde Men med den agenda at ville lave en rente bytte på et andet lån, for at sløre svindlen. ------------ Journalist Press just ask Danish Bank Jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 :-) #Journalist #Press When the Danish banks deceive their customers a case of fraud in Danish banks against customers :-( :-( when the #danish #banks as #jyskebank are making fraud And the gang leader, controls the bank's fraud. :-( Anders Dam Bank's CEO refuses to quit. So it only shows how criminal the Danish jyske bank is. :-) Do not trust the #JyskeBank they are #lying constantly, when the bank cheats you The fraud that is #organized through by 3 departments, and many members of the organization JYSKE BANK :-( The Danish bank jyske bank is a criminal offense, Follow the case in Danish law BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Thanks to all of you we meet on the road. Which gives us your full support to the fight against the Danish fraud bank. JYSKE BANK :-) :-) Please ask the bank, jyske bank if we have raised a loan of DKK 4.328.000 In Danish bank nykredit. as the bank writes to their customer who is ill after a brain bleeding - As the bank is facing Danish courts and claim is a loan behind the interest rate swap The swsp Jyske Bank itself made 16-07-2008 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1468232419878888.1073741869.1045397795495688/1468234663211997/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( contact the bank here https://www.jyskebank.dk/omjyskebank/organisation/koncernledergruppe - Also ask about date and evidence that the loan offer has been withdrawn in due time before expiry :-) :-) And ask for the prompt contact to Nykredit Denmark And ask why (new credit bank) Nykredit, first would answer the question, after nykredit received a subpoena, to speak true. - Even at a meeting Nykredit refused to sign anything. Not to provide evidence against Jyske Bank for fraud - But after several letters admit Nykredit Bank on writing - There is no loan of 4.328.000 kr https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1051107938258007.1073741840.1045397795495688/1344678722234259/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal :-( :-( So nothing to change interest rates https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1045554925479975.1073741831.1045397795495688/1045554998813301/?type=3&source=54&ref=page_internal Thus admit Nykredit Bank that their friends in Jyske Bank are making fraud against Danish customers :-( :-( :-( Today June 29th claims Jyske Bank that a loan of DKK 4.328.000 Has been reduced to DKK 2.927.634 and raised interest rates DKK 81.182 https://facebook.com/JyskeBank.dk/photos/a.1046306905404777.1073741835.1045397795495688/1755579747810819/?type=3&source=54 :-) :-) Group management jyske bank know, at least since May 2016 There is no loan of 4.328.000 DKK And that has never existed. And the ceo is conscious about the fraud against the bank's customer :-) Nevertheless, the bank continues the fraud But now with the Group's Board of Directors knowledge and approval :-) The bank will not respond to anything Do you want to investigate the fraud case as a journalist? :-( :-( Fraud that the bank jyske bank has committed, over the past 10 years. :-) :-) https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10217380674608165&id=1213101334&ref=bookmarks Will make it better, when we share timeline, with link to Appendix :-) www.banknyt.dk /-----------/ #ANDERSDAM I SPIDSEN AF DEN STORE DANSKE NOK SMÅ #KRIMINELLE #BANK #JYSKEBANK Godt hjulpet af #Les www.les.dk #LundElmerSandager #Advokater :-) #JYSKE BANK BLEV OPDAGET / TAGET I AT LAVE #MANDATSVIG #BEDRAGERI #DOKUMENTFALSK #UDNYTTELSE #SVIG #FALSK :-) Banken skriver i fundamentet at jyskebank er #TROVÆRDIG #HÆDERLIG #ÆRLIG DET ER DET VI SKAL OPKLARE I DENNE HER SAG. :-) Offer spørger flere gange om jyske bank har nogle kommentar eller rettelser til www.banknyt.dk og opslag Jyske bank svare slet ikke :-) :-) We are still talking about 10 years of fraud Follow the case in Danish court Denmark Viborg BS 99-698/2015 :-) :-) Link to the bank's management jyske bank ask them please If we have borrowed DKK 4.328.000 as offered on May 20, 2008 in Nykredit The bank still take interest on this alleged loan in the 10th year. and refuses to answer anything :-) :-) Funny enough for all that loan is not existing just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Bank #AnderChristianDam #Financial #News #Press #Share #Pol #Recommendation #Sale #Firesale #AndersDam #JyskeBank #ATP #PFA #MortenUlrikGade #PhilipBaruch #LES #GF #BirgitBushThuesen #LundElmerSandager #Nykredit #MetteEgholmNielsen #Loan #Fraud #CasperDamOlsen #NicolaiHansen #gangcrimes #crimes :-) just ask jyske bank why the bank does not admit fraud And start to apologize all crimes. https://www.jyskebank.dk/kontakt/afdelingsinfo?departmentid=11660 #Koncernledelse #jyskebank #Koncernbestyrelsen #SvenBuhrkall #KurtBligaardPedersen #RinaAsmussen #PhilipBaruch #JensABorup #KeldNorup #ChristinaLykkeMunk #HaggaiKunisch #MarianneLillevang #Koncerndirektionen #AndersDam #LeifFLarsen #NielsErikJakobsen #PerSkovhus #PeterSchleidt / ,IMG_20180709_185159966KAN DU STOLE PÅ DIN DANSKE BANK. :-) EN SAG OM JYSKE BANKS ÆRLIGHED OG HÆDERLIGHED :-) HER ER BÅDE DIRIKTIONEN OG CEO ANDERS DAM VELVIDENDE OM AT JYSKE BANK. BEDRAGER LILLE FAMILIE FRA NORDSJÆLLAND MED SVIG VED AT LYVE OM BLANDT ANDET ET LÅN DER IKKE FINDES. :-( :-( JYSKE BANKS MÅLSÆTNING, SYNTES AT STJÆLE 2.5 MILLION KR. PLUS DET LØSE. FRA DERES KUNDE. :-) VED AT HÆVE RENTER FOR DETTE PÅSTÅET MEN FALSKE LÅN, OVER EN PERIODE PÅ 20 ÅR. Ville jyske bank uberettet sikker sig de første 2.500.000 kr. hvilket samtids bliver et tab for kunden. :-( AT JYSKE BANK VEDVAREDE LYVER, OG NÆGTER AT SVARE KUNDE SOM HAR OPDAGET DET SVIG OG FALSK JYSKE BANK UDSÆTTER KUNDER FOR. MÅ VÆRE DEN EVIGE BENÆGTELSE I JYSKE BANK. - MÅSKE HÅBER JYSKE BANK PÅ, AT DET IKKE KUN ER STRAFFRIT AT BEDRAGE DERES KUNDER. MEN AT JYSKE BANK KAN BEHOLDE DE PENGE JYSKE BANK HAR STJÅLLET. VED UHÆDERLIGT OG BEVIST AT LYVE FOR AT TAGE UBERETTER AF DE BETROEDE MIDLER I JYSKE BANK, - JYSKE BANK SIGTEDE TYDLIGVIS EFTER. AT INGEN OPDAGER DER SLET IKKE FINDES NOGET LÅN. :-) :-) MEN DET BLEV OPDAGET. OG NU NÆGTER JYSKE BANK AT SVARE PÅ NOGET, I MENS BANKEN FORTSÆTTER, HVAD DER KLART BESKRIVES SOM BEDRAGRI EFTER STRAFFELOVEN. :-) :-) SÅDAN HANDLER JYSKE BANK UHÆDERLIGT OG I OND TRO, OG MOD BEDREVIDENDE FOR AT DU SOM AKTIONÆR OG PARTNER MED JYSKE BANK KAN TJÆNE PENGE. Godt for aktionærer og de som er partner med jyske bank Men knap så godt for de kunder jyske bank bevist og uhæderligt snyder. :-) :-) JYSKE BANK NÆGTER DIALOG HVORFOR VI SKRIVER OFFENLIGT SÅ KAN DU LÆSE HVAD ER KONTAKT ANNONCER RETET TIL JYSKE BANK KAN IKKE SKRIVE MINDRE I DENNE SVIG SAG. :-) :-) LÆS OG LÆR HVORDAN STORE DANSKE BANKER BEVIST OG UHÆDERLIGT SNYDER DERES KUNDER, OG HVORDAN ANDRE BANKER DÆKKER OVER DET. :-) :-) DIRIKTIONEN OG CEO ANDERS DAM TOPLEDELSE I JYSKE BANK VED DET. - MEN GØR INTET FOR AT AFKLARE OM DERES KUNDER FAKTISK HAR RET. ELLER OM NOGLE HAR TAGET FEJL. :-) :-) JYSKE BANK ER INDBUDT MANGE GANGE TIL AT GENNEMGÅ SAGS MATRIALE OG BEVISER, MEN NÆGTER KATAGORISK AT SVARE. :-) :-) MÅSKE DER BARE ER TALE OM JYSK BANK HEMMELIGHEDER :-) HVIS JYSKE BANK VED AT FAMILIEN HAR RET. HVORFOR BLIVE JYSKE BANK SÅ VED MED AT LAVE SVIG :-) :-) FAMILIEN FORSTÅR IKKE JYSKE BANK OG HVORFOR JYSKE BANK NÆGTER AT TALE MED FAMILIEN. - SAMTIDS MED AT, JYSKE BANK FORTSÆTTER MED AT TAGE FAMILIENS PENGE, FOR RENTER AF LÅN DER IKKE FINDES. :-) JYSKE BANK HAR FÅET EN UDSTRÆKT HÅND MANGE GANGE. :-) DIALOG DET KRÆVER JO KUN AT JYSKE BANK VIL HOLDE ET MØDE MED FAMILIEN :-) OG TALE OM DET SOM FAMILIEN HAR OPKLARET, ELLER FAMILIEN HAR FREMLAGT :-) :-) Utroligt at jyske bank på andet år stadig nægter at tale med den kunde, der forsøger at råbe Anders Dam op. Jyske bank har i samme periode de sidste 2 år. taget omkring 3-400.000 kr. fra kundens konto til renter af et lån på 4.328.000 kr. Som slet ikke findes. :- Et lån på 4.328.000 kr. som jyske bank ikke kun lyver om over for kunden. - Men som jyske bank vedholdende lyver om, selv overfor RETTEN og ADVOKATERNE holder jyske bank fast. Og som jyske bank ved en bevist vildledning, påstår er et underlægende lån som er optaget i Nykredit, forud for den rentesikring i jyske bank det hele startede med. - - Altså man skal være meget skarp for at kunne gennemskue hvad jyske bank laver her. Det er bestemt ikke smalkost, for de Danske bankkunder, der fremover kan blive rullet, på samme måde ved højlys dag. :-) :-) Jyske Banks advokat og bestyrelsesmedlem Philip Baruch skriver så smukt i retsforholdet. 10-09-2015 - At det underlægende lån ( 4.328.000 kr. I Nykredit ) til den rentebytte på 4.328.000 kr. som Jyske Bank i retten, skriver er den rentebytte / swap som er lavet og godkendt med jyske bank 15-07-2008 - Den dygtige men nok uærlige Philip Baruch overfor retten skriver At den rentebytte på 4.328.000 kr. som jyske bank har sendt 16-07-2008 er den fra den 15-07-2016 Og at denne rentebytte er lavet for at rentesikker et underlægende / bagvedliggende lån i Nykredit SÅ LYVER JYSKE BANK OG DERES STJERNE ADVOKATER I LUND ELMER SANDAGER VEL IKKE. :-) :-) Når Stjerne advokaten i Lund Elmer Sandager Philip Baruch skriver i retsforhold til retten. MÅ PHILIP BARUCH NARTURLIGS IKKE LYVE FOR RETTEN. Altså hverken lyve over for familiens advokat og Kunder i Jyske Bank Men da slet ikke lyve overfor retten. :-) :-) Når den dygtige advokat Philip Baruch så påstår i retsforhold At kunden har dette bagvedliggende lån på 4.328.000 kr. I Nykredit Og at dette lån er rentebyttet med jyske bank :-) :-) :-) Jyske bank Philip Baruch skriver tydligt og klart At det underlægende / bagvedliggende lån til en renteswap Er lavet med trejde mand (Nykredit) og jyske bank intet har med dette at gøre. :-) Men kære jyske bank i har hævet af kundens betroede midler, for dette her påstået underlægende lån For tinglysning, låneformidling og garantier. Så lidt må jyske bank vel kende til det. :-) Men nu er Jyske bank en markant anderleds bank. Så vi tigger stadig CEO Anders Dam og jyske bank Om at vise os kopi af det lån jyske bank rentesikker, med en rente bytte. :-) :-) Og jo da vi tilbyder stadig jysk altså jyske bank 250.000 kr. I gebyr. for bevis. Men det bliver nok svært at finde noget underlægende lån, for vi stævnede Nykredit i denne svindel sag. :-) :-) Og Nykredit ville efter Nykredit blev stævnet, nu gerne svare på spørgsmål som. Om vi har dette af jyske bank påstået underlægende lån på 4.328.000 kr. Som er det lån der er lavet med trejde part, forud for rentebytte med jyske bank. NYKREDIT SVARE 18-10-2016 At Nykredit intet kender til noget lån på 4.328.000 kr. SÅ HVORFOR HELVEDE VIL JYSKE BANK SÅ IKKE TALE MED OS. :-( :-( CEO ANDERS DAM HVORDAN HAR DU DET MED TROVÆRDIGHED, HÆDERLIGHED OG ÆRLIGHEDEN I JYSKE BANK. OG AT DU OG DIN BANK TVINGER KUNDER TIL AT BETALE FOR ADVOKATER. BARE FOR AT FÅ JYSKE BANK TIL IKKE AT BESVIGE BANKENS KUNDER. :-) :-) Tiden fra 25-05-2016 er løbet siden, toppen i jyske bank fik oplysning om bla. det falske lån :-) :-) HAR JYSKE BANK INTET AT SIGE, TIL AT VI SOM FAMILIE GERNE VIL I DIALOG MED BANKEN - HVORFOR ER DET SÅ MAGTPÅLIGGENDE FOR JYSKE BANK AT LYVE OG SNYDE DERES KUNDER. - - VIL JYSKE BANK IKKE VÆRE SØDE AT LADE VÆRE AT STJÆLE, DET ER ONDT AT I BLIVER VED. ELLER I DET MINDSTE TALE MED OS. OG FORKLARE OS AT JYSKE BANK OVERHOLDER ALLE REGLER OG LOVE, OG INTET FORKERT HAR LAVET. :-) SÅ VI IKKE BEHØVER SKRIVE HER OG DER. På havkatten, på troustpilot, på banknyt og så mange andre steder. :-) OG NÅR JYSKE BANK HAR BEVIST AT BANKEN INTET GALT HAR LAVET. SÅ SLETTER VI OPSLAG OG BETALER MED GLÆDE, UDEN BROK. ( det er naturligvis jyske bank selv som tager ) TAL MED OS GLADE KUNDER ER DE BEDSTE. :-) :-) :-) Hvis vi ville låne de 4.328.000 kr. så forslåger jyske bank at det er bedst og billigst at lave en rente Swap. Hvilket er aftalt og godkendt 15-07-2008 hvor jyske bank ringede op tidlig på formiddagen, og pressede på for at kunden skulle sige ja. Rente bytte er kun for dette lån, hvis kunde vælger at optage lånet. :-) at jyske bank ved Lund Elmer Sandager skriver at jyske bank først 16-07-2008 laver og sender kopi af denne aftale. Det skal vi altså også tale om. :-) :-) I jyske bank kommer du til at kæmpe hårdt mod banken, bare for at få jyske bank til at stoppet svig rettet imod dig. Jyske Bank er kolde de har penge og advokater nok til at trække dig rundt i en løgn. Og jyske bank gør det de kan for at bedrage familien der opklarede svig med falsk lån de næste 11 år. :-) :-) Er det kun os der syntes At jyske Bank de sidste 2 år helt bevist og i ond tro fortsætte det svig og falsk jyske Banks koncern ledelse, CEO Anders Dam blev oplyst 25 maj 2016 Og som Andes Dam kunne have talt med kunden om for 2 år siden, og finde en løsning på og rette op. :-) :-) I 2016 hvor CEO Anders Dam blev inddraget 25 maj af den desperate familie, som er udsat for SVIG i jyske bank Dengang i 2016 var det bare svig og falsk, men jyskebank, fortsatte alligevel bevist og uhæderligt at lade som ingen ting Og ingurerede kunden, samt forbyder kunden dialog, hvorefter jyske bank fortsatte udnyttelsen af bankens svig frem til Idag 2 år mere :-) :-) Når jyske bank er velvidende om at der ikke findes noget lån på 4.328.000 kr. Og jyske bank er velvidende Om at banken tage fra betroede midler i jyske bank, til rente på dette lån, og andre små finurligheder. :-) Og nu på andet år stadigvæk nægter at svare, men bare tager penge for noget, jyske bank er bevist om ikke findes Men som jyske bank lyver om, bare for at sikker Jyske Banks øknomiske interesser og for at sikker AKTIONÆRENE ET GODT UDBYTTE Derfor er det blevet til endog meget groft. Dette er familiens mening at jyskebank bevist lyver og nægter for fortsat at kunne stjæle af kassen. :-) Kunden som oplyste top lederen i jyskebank CEO Anders Dam, at jyske bank vel nok lavede, lidt svig ved falsk, mere præcist ved et falsk lån. Indpakket lidt, men budskabet var vel klart nok. Der er intet lån. :-) Nye kunder kommer til jyske bank, og stoler på at jyske bank er både ærlig og hæderlige, det siger banken selv. :-) :-) Se hvad jyske bank ved hjælp af advokaterne i jyske bank og Lund Elmer Sandager, har lavet mod os af svindel eller hvad det hedder, vi kaldet det svig. Det er ret omfattende og udspekuleret, og hvis der er tale om fejl, så gik det 7 år før vi opdagede det, og 2 år mere hvor jyske bank nægtede at indgå i dialog. :-( :-( :-( Brevet til vore gamle advokat 2-11-2016 fra bestyrelsens medlem ved aktionær Phillip Baruch jyske bank ses kun som et nyt forsøg, på at ville snyde os. At jyske bank forsøger at manupuler os, ved hjælp af vores advokat til at komme til møde? Med det ene formål at lave en rentebytte, godt nok af et ægte lån, efter jyske bank måtte konstatere, at familien ikke længer kunne snydes med det jyske bank startede på. Hvilket tilbud om rente bytte af et lån fra 3/7-2009 hvilket vi afviste med det samme. Hvis indeholdes af brevet 02-11.2016 skal tydes anderleds, så kan jyske bank passende forklare. :-) :-) Selv om daværende advokat Syntes godt om at jyske bank tilbød en rente bytte af et andet lån For han kunne vel også læse imellem lignerne hvad jyske bank forsøgte. Banken som sikkert kun tænkte på hvordan banken kunne narre os. Skal hilse og sige, det blev vi ret pist over. Gik den så gik den, ! Men jyske bank den gik heller ikke. :-) :-) :-) ER DET IKKE PÅ TIDE AT JYSE BANK STRAMMER SIG OP. OG AT JYSKE BANK TALER MED OS. OG VI SAMMEN FÅ GENNEMGÅET SAGEN, OG DE MANGE SPØRGSMÅL. :-) Det handler jo bare om jyske bank har bedraget os, ikke om jyske bank skal i fængsel for svig og falsk, :-) :-) TIL CEO ANDERS ORDFØRENDE FORMAND FOR KONCERN LEDELSEN, OM SANDT OG FALSK TAL NU MED OS, Vi vil stadig gerne tilgive jyske bank. Jyske bank skal bare erkende at beviserne mod jyske bank er ægte. :-) :-) Hvis jyske bank stadig ikke vil tale med os. Så find da en i vil tale med, bare vi ikke skal betale. :-) :-) DIALOG DIALOG DIALOG DIALOG CEO ANDERS DAM FÅ ØJE PÅ OS, TAL MED OS VI GIDER IKKE DETTE PJAT, OG ER VIRKLIG KEDE AF AT JYSKE BANK AFVISER AT SVARE. Men det er jo nok Levevejen for jyske bank, først at lyve og så holde kæft :-) :-) ALTSÅ UDOVER AT HAVKATTEN FØRST SKREV. DET HANDLER OM JURA. OG SIDST SKREV DET HANDLER I HØJ GRAD OM JURA. NU DA DET IKKE HANDLER OM HVERKEN ÆRLIGHED HÆDERLIGHED TROVÆRDIGHED MEN SÅ VED ANDRE KUNDER I JYSKE BANK DA HVAD JYSKE BANKS HOLDNING TIL TROVÆRDIGHED HÆDERLIGHED ÆRLIGHED ER. :-) :-) Der er ingen grund til at jyske bank bliver ved med at benægte. At jyske bank uden grund lyver for familien. Således familien lider både øknomisk, og psykisk. og jyske bank satser på familien enten bryder sammen, eller ikke kan finde penge til den advokat, der skal stoppe bedrageriet, da jyske bank ikke selv vil lade være. Og fortsat påstå at kunden har dette her lån på 4.328.000 kr. I Nykredit men nægter at bevise det. :-) Og jyske bank nægter at at bevise at kunden selv, har aftalt og godkendt en rentebytte af dette her lån den 16-07-2007 med jyske bank :-) Og så lige alt det andet som er kommet frem. Kære jyske bank CEO Anders Dam Vi herhjemme gad god se hvad jyske bank ville regere, hvis det var jyske bank som blev udsat for svig og falsk fra deres kunder. Og jyske bank ikke stod klar med 100 advokater, og med milliarder i ryggen, til at sikker jyske Banks øknomiske interesser. :-) Vi har intet, da jyske bank bedrager os med et falsk lån. Jyske bank nægter at tale med os, så vi kan kun råbe lidt op. Men jyskebank ser ikke hører intet Og hvis jyske bank høre et grynt, så er jyske bank ligeglade. :-) NU SKAL FAMILIEN skaffe penge til den advokat, som i retten skal have jyske bank til at stoppe jyske bank med at bedrage os. :-) Men helt ærligt Andes Dam Du og jyske bank kan slet ikke være bekendt at nægte at tage en dialog med os. :-) HVIS JYSKE BANK IKKE HAR LAVET NOGET FORKERT. IKKE HAR OVERTRÅDT LOVE OG REGLER HVAD SÅ MED AT JYSKE BANK ANDES DAM HJÆLPER HER, FORKLAR AT VI TAGER FEJL, SÅ RETTER VI. ØNSKER AT FINDE SANDHEDEN OM JYSKE BANK OG EN LØSNING. :-) :-) Måske har jyske bank til vane at andre familier der er udsat for det samme svig, giver op over for milliard forretningen jyske bank, og lader bedraget fortsætte, for at jyske bank kan sikker deres øknomiske interesser over for deres aktionære. :-) :-) jyske bank har i mødt familien Skaarup fra Hornbæk Det er os. Måske er vi lidt anderleds end de fleste, måske er vi meget anderleds. Vi er åbne og fortæller gerne vores historie. :-) :-) Vi undersøger hvis vi finder ud at nogle lyver, som her, hvor vi opdagede at jyske bank har løjet i først 7 år. Vi oplyser jyske bank om at banken er taget i at lyve, hvad gør CEO Anders Dam så Han giver sin hær af advokater besked om at fortsætte med at lyve. Og sikke sig at ingen i koncernen hverken vil eller må tale med familien, der tog jysk bank med fingeren i den kagedåse, som jyske bank var betroet. Således gik de næste 2 år. Og vi taler nu om 9 år :-) :-) Altså ingen i jyske bank koncernen, må svare på selv det mindste lille spørgsmål Som eksempelvis at BEKRAFTE ÆGTEHEDEN på de af familien fremlagte bilag, her og på banknyt.dk Når ja og på jyske Banks officielle fb side Havkatten, hvor jyske bank blokerede os, for at undgå de nemme spørgsmål. :-) Ingen må udlevere nogle bilag, der ellers kunne hjælpe med den videre opklaring, så det håbede jyske bank var nok til at stoppe efterforskning. :-) Vi holder sammen, og ønsker ikke at banker. skal lave svindel, eller give ond og dårlig rådgivning til nogle kunder, for så at jyske bank kan håbe på forældelse og beholde hvad banken har taget. :-) Det kræver jo bare et opkald på 22227713 Så mødes vi og taler om det her, og finder ud af hvad der gik galt og sammen løser det. 2 år uden svar er under alt kritik. Dialog er vejen frem Jyske bank tavshed er ikke vejen til en god foretning, men det er dialog og samtale Skal vi mødes et sted og få talt sammen. Vi giver stadig gerne frokost. Mvh familien Skaarup HornbækKAN DU STOLE PÅ DIN DANSKE BANK. :-) EN SAG OM JYSKE BANKS ÆRLIGHED OG HÆDERLIGHED :-) HER ER BÅDE DIRIKTIONEN OG CEO ANDERS DAM VELVIDENDE OM AT JYSKE BANK. BEDRAGER LILLE FAMILIE FRA NORDSJÆLLAND MED SVIG VED AT LYVE OM BLANDT ANDET ET LÅN DER IKKE FINDES. :-( :-( JYSKE BANKS MÅLSÆTNING, SYNTES AT STJÆLE 2.5 MILLION KR. PLUS DET LØSE. FRA DERES KUNDE. :-) VED AT HÆVE RENTER FOR DETTE PÅSTÅET MEN FALSKE LÅN, OVER EN PERIODE PÅ 20 ÅR. Ville jyske bank uberettet sikker sig de første 2.500.000 kr. hvilket samtids bliver et tab for kunden. :-( AT JYSKE BANK VEDVAREDE LYVER, OG NÆGTER AT SVARE KUNDE SOM HAR OPDAGET DET SVIG OG FALSK JYSKE BANK UDSÆTTER KUNDER FOR. MÅ VÆRE DEN EVIGE BENÆGTELSE I JYSKE BANK. - MÅSKE HÅBER JYSKE BANK PÅ, AT DET IKKE KUN ER STRAFFRIT AT BEDRAGE DERES KUNDER. MEN AT JYSKE BANK KAN BEHOLDE DE PENGE JYSKE BANK HAR STJÅLLET. VED UHÆDERLIGT OG BEVIST AT LYVE FOR AT TAGE UBERETTER AF DE BETROEDE MIDLER I JYSKE BANK, - JYSKE BANK SIGTEDE TYDLIGVIS EFTER. AT INGEN OPDAGER DER SLET IKKE FINDES NOGET LÅN. :-) :-) MEN DET BLEV OPDAGET. OG NU NÆGTER JYSKE BANK AT SVARE PÅ NOGET, I MENS BANKEN FORTSÆTTER, HVAD DER KLART BESKRIVES SOM BEDRAGRI EFTER STRAFFELOVEN. :-) :-) SÅDAN HANDLER JYSKE BANK UHÆDERLIGT OG I OND TRO, OG MOD BEDREVIDENDE FOR AT DU SOM AKTIONÆR OG PARTNER MED JYSKE BANK KAN TJÆNE PENGE. Godt for aktionærer og de som er partner med jyske bank Men knap så godt for de kunder jyske bank bevist og uhæderligt snyder. :-) :-) JYSKE BANK NÆGTER DIALOG HVORFOR VI SKRIVER OFFENLIGT SÅ KAN DU LÆSE HVAD ER KONTAKT ANNONCER RETET TIL JYSKE BANK KAN IKKE SKRIVE MINDRE I DENNE SVIG SAG. :-) :-) LÆS OG LÆR HVORDAN STORE DANSKE BANKER BEVIST OG UHÆDERLIGT SNYDER DERES KUNDER, OG HVORDAN ANDRE BANKER DÆKKER OVER DET. :-) :-) DIRIKTIONEN OG CEO ANDERS DAM TOPLEDELSE I JYSKE BANK VED DET. - MEN GØR INTET FOR AT AFKLARE OM DERES KUNDER FAKTISK HAR RET. ELLER OM NOGLE HAR TAGET FEJL. :-) :-) JYSKE BANK ER INDBUDT MANGE GANGE TIL AT GENNEMGÅ SAGS MATRIALE OG BEVISER, MEN NÆGTER KATAGORISK AT SVARE. :-) :-) MÅSKE DER BARE ER TALE OM JYSK BANK HEMMELIGHEDER :-) HVIS JYSKE BANK VED AT FAMILIEN HAR RET. HVORFOR BLIVE JYSKE BANK SÅ VED MED AT LAVE SVIG :-) :-) FAMILIEN FORSTÅR IKKE JYSKE BANK OG HVORFOR JYSKE BANK NÆGTER AT TALE MED FAMILIEN. - SAMTIDS MED AT, JYSKE BANK FORTSÆTTER MED AT TAGE FAMILIENS PENGE, FOR RENTER AF LÅN DER IKKE FINDES. :-) JYSKE BANK HAR FÅET EN UDSTRÆKT HÅND MANGE GANGE. :-) DIALOG DET KRÆVER JO KUN AT JYSKE BANK VIL HOLDE ET MØDE MED FAMILIEN :-) OG TALE OM DET SOM FAMILIEN HAR OPKLARET, ELLER FAMILIEN HAR FREMLAGT :-) :-) Utroligt at jyske bank på andet år stadig nægter at tale med den kunde, der forsøger at råbe Anders Dam op. Jyske bank har i samme periode de sidste 2 år. taget omkring 3-400.000 kr. fra kundens konto til renter af et lån på 4.328.000 kr. Som slet ikke findes. :- Et lån på 4.328.000 kr. som jyske bank ikke kun lyver om over for kunden. - Men som jyske bank vedholdende lyver om, selv overfor RETTEN og ADVOKATERNE holder jyske bank fast. Og som jyske bank ved en bevist vildledning, påstår er et underlægende lån som er optaget i Nykredit, forud for den rentesikring i jyske bank det hele startede med. - - Altså man skal være meget skarp for at kunne gennemskue hvad jyske bank laver her. Det er bestemt ikke smalkost, for de Danske bankkunder, der fremover kan blive rullet, på samme måde ved højlys dag. :-) :-) Jyske Banks advokat og bestyrelsesmedlem Philip Baruch skriver så smukt i retsforholdet. 10-09-2015 - At det underlægende lån ( 4.328.000 kr. I Nykredit ) til den rentebytte på 4.328.000 kr. som Jyske Bank i retten, skriver er den rentebytte / swap som er lavet og godkendt med jyske bank 15-07-2008 - Den dygtige men nok uærlige Philip Baruch overfor retten skriver At den rentebytte på 4.328.000 kr. som jyske bank har sendt 16-07-2008 er den fra den 15-07-2016 Og at denne rentebytte er lavet for at rentesikker et underlægende / bagvedliggende lån i Nykredit SÅ LYVER JYSKE BANK OG DERES STJERNE ADVOKATER I LUND ELMER SANDAGER VEL IKKE. :-) :-) Når Stjerne advokaten i Lund Elmer Sandager Philip Baruch skriver i retsforhold til retten. MÅ PHILIP BARUCH NARTURLIGS IKKE LYVE FOR RETTEN. Altså hverken lyve over for familiens advokat og Kunder i Jyske Bank Men da slet ikke lyve overfor retten. :-) :-) Når den dygtige advokat Philip Baruch så påstår i retsforhold At kunden har dette bagvedliggende lån på 4.328.000 kr. I Nykredit Og at dette lån er rentebyttet med jyske bank :-) :-) :-) Jyske bank Philip Baruch skriver tydligt og klart At det underlægende / bagvedliggende lån til en renteswap Er lavet med trejde mand (Nykredit) og jyske bank intet har med dette at gøre. :-) Men kære jyske bank i har hævet af kundens betroede midler, for dette her påstået underlægende lån For tinglysning, låneformidling og garantier. Så lidt må jyske bank vel kende til det. :-) Men nu er Jyske bank en markant anderleds bank. Så vi tigger stadig CEO Anders Dam og jyske bank Om at vise os kopi af det lån jyske bank rentesikker, med en rente bytte. :-) :-) Og jo da vi tilbyder stadig jysk altså jyske bank 250.000 kr. I gebyr. for bevis. Men det bliver nok svært at finde noget underlægende lån, for vi stævnede Nykredit i denne svindel sag. :-) :-) Og Nykredit ville efter Nykredit blev stævnet, nu gerne svare på spørgsmål som. Om vi har dette af jyske bank påstået underlægende lån på 4.328.000 kr. Som er det lån der er lavet med trejde part, forud for rentebytte med jyske bank. NYKREDIT SVARE 18-10-2016 At Nykredit intet kender til noget lån på 4.328.000 kr. SÅ HVORFOR HELVEDE VIL JYSKE BANK SÅ IKKE TALE MED OS. :-( :-( CEO ANDERS DAM HVORDAN HAR DU DET MED TROVÆRDIGHED, HÆDERLIGHED OG ÆRLIGHEDEN I JYSKE BANK. OG AT DU OG DIN BANK TVINGER KUNDER TIL AT BETALE FOR ADVOKATER. BARE FOR AT FÅ JYSKE BANK TIL IKKE AT BESVIGE BANKENS KUNDER. :-) :-) Tiden fra 25-05-2016 er løbet siden, toppen i jyske bank fik oplysning om bla. det falske lån :-) :-) HAR JYSKE BANK INTET AT SIGE, TIL AT VI SOM FAMILIE GERNE VIL I DIALOG MED BANKEN - HVORFOR ER DET SÅ MAGTPÅLIGGENDE FOR JYSKE BANK AT LYVE OG SNYDE DERES KUNDER. - - VIL JYSKE BANK IKKE VÆRE SØDE AT LADE VÆRE AT STJÆLE, DET ER ONDT AT I BLIVER VED. ELLER I DET MINDSTE TALE MED OS. OG FORKLARE OS AT JYSKE BANK OVERHOLDER ALLE REGLER OG LOVE, OG INTET FORKERT HAR LAVET. :-) SÅ VI IKKE BEHØVER SKRIVE HER OG DER. På havkatten, på troustpilot, på banknyt og så mange andre steder. :-) OG NÅR JYSKE BANK HAR BEVIST AT BANKEN INTET GALT HAR LAVET. SÅ SLETTER VI OPSLAG OG BETALER MED GLÆDE, UDEN BROK. ( det er naturligvis jyske bank selv som tager ) TAL MED OS GLADE KUNDER ER DE BEDSTE. :-) :-) :-) Hvis vi ville låne de 4.328.000 kr. så forslåger jyske bank at det er bedst og billigst at lave en rente Swap. Hvilket er aftalt og godkendt 15-07-2008 hvor jyske bank ringede op tidlig på formiddagen, og pressede på for at kunden skulle sige ja. Rente bytte er kun for dette lån, hvis kunde vælger at optage lånet. :-) at jyske bank ved Lund Elmer Sandager skriver at jyske bank først 16-07-2008 laver og sender kopi af denne aftale. Det skal vi altså også tale om. :-) :-) I jyske bank kommer du til at kæmpe hårdt mod banken, bare for at få jyske bank til at stoppet svig rettet imod dig. Jyske Bank er kolde de har penge og advokater nok til at trække dig rundt i en løgn. Og jyske bank gør det de kan for at bedrage familien der opklarede svig med falsk lån de næste 11 år. :-) :-) Er det kun os der syntes At jyske Bank de sidste 2 år helt bevist og i ond tro fortsætte det svig og falsk jyske Banks koncern ledelse, CEO Anders Dam blev oplyst 25 maj 2016 Og som Andes Dam kunne have talt med kunden om for 2 år siden, og finde en løsning på og rette op. :-) :-) I 2016 hvor CEO Anders Dam blev inddraget 25 maj af den desperate familie, som er udsat for SVIG i jyske bank Dengang i 2016 var det bare svig og falsk, men jyskebank, fortsatte alligevel bevist og uhæderligt at lade som ingen ting Og ingurerede kunden, samt forbyder kunden dialog, hvorefter jyske bank fortsatte udnyttelsen af bankens svig frem til Idag 2 år mere :-) :-) Når jyske bank er velvidende om at der ikke findes noget lån på 4.328.000 kr. Og jyske bank er velvidende Om at banken tage fra betroede midler i jyske bank, til rente på dette lån, og andre små finurligheder. :-) Og nu på andet år stadigvæk nægter at svare, men bare tager penge for noget, jyske bank er bevist om ikke findes Men som jyske bank lyver om, bare for at sikker Jyske Banks øknomiske interesser og for at sikker AKTIONÆRENE ET GODT UDBYTTE Derfor er det blevet til endog meget groft. Dette er familiens mening at jyskebank bevist lyver og nægter for fortsat at kunne stjæle af kassen. :-) Kunden som oplyste top lederen i jyskebank CEO Anders Dam, at jyske bank vel nok lavede, lidt svig ved falsk, mere præcist ved et falsk lån. Indpakket lidt, men budskabet var vel klart nok. Der er intet lån. :-) Nye kunder kommer til jyske bank, og stoler på at jyske bank er både ærlig og hæderlige, det siger banken selv. :-) :-) Se hvad jyske bank ved hjælp af advokaterne i jyske bank og Lund Elmer Sandager, har lavet mod os af svindel eller hvad det hedder, vi kaldet det svig. Det er ret omfattende og udspekuleret, og hvis der er tale om fejl, så gik det 7 år før vi opdagede det, og 2 år mere hvor jyske bank nægtede at indgå i dialog. :-( :-( :-( Brevet til vore gamle advokat 2-11-2016 fra bestyrelsens medlem ved aktionær Phillip Baruch jyske bank ses kun som et nyt forsøg, på at ville snyde os. At jyske bank forsøger at manupuler os, ved hjælp af vores advokat til at komme til møde? Med det ene formål at lave en rentebytte, godt nok af et ægte lån, efter jyske bank måtte konstatere, at familien ikke længer kunne snydes med det jyske bank startede på. Hvilket tilbud om rente bytte af et lån fra 3/7-2009 hvilket vi afviste med det samme. Hvis indeholdes af brevet 02-11.2016 skal tydes anderleds, så kan jyske bank passende forklare. :-) :-) Selv om daværende advokat Syntes godt om at jyske bank tilbød en rente bytte af et andet lån For han kunne vel også læse imellem lignerne hvad jyske bank forsøgte. Banken som sikkert kun tænkte på hvordan banken kunne narre os. Skal hilse og sige, det blev vi ret pist over. Gik den så gik den, ! Men jyske bank den gik heller ikke. :-) :-) :-) ER DET IKKE PÅ TIDE AT JYSE BANK STRAMMER SIG OP. OG AT JYSKE BANK TALER MED OS. OG VI SAMMEN FÅ GENNEMGÅET SAGEN, OG DE MANGE SPØRGSMÅL. :-) Det handler jo bare om jyske bank har bedraget os, ikke om jyske bank skal i fængsel for svig og falsk, :-) :-) TIL CEO ANDERS ORDFØRENDE FORMAND FOR KONCERN LEDELSEN, OM SANDT OG FALSK TAL NU MED OS, Vi vil stadig gerne tilgive jyske bank. Jyske bank skal bare erkende at beviserne mod jyske bank er ægte. :-) :-) Hvis jyske bank stadig ikke vil tale med os. Så find da en i vil tale med, bare vi ikke skal betale. :-) :-) DIALOG DIALOG DIALOG DIALOG CEO ANDERS DAM FÅ ØJE PÅ OS, TAL MED OS VI GIDER IKKE DETTE PJAT, OG ER VIRKLIG KEDE AF AT JYSKE BANK AFVISER AT SVARE. Men det er jo nok Levevejen for jyske bank, først at lyve og så holde kæft :-) :-) ALTSÅ UDOVER AT HAVKATTEN FØRST SKREV. DET HANDLER OM JURA. OG SIDST SKREV DET HANDLER I HØJ GRAD OM JURA. NU DA DET IKKE HANDLER OM HVERKEN ÆRLIGHED HÆDERLIGHED TROVÆRDIGHED MEN SÅ VED ANDRE KUNDER I JYSKE BANK DA HVAD JYSKE BANKS HOLDNING TIL TROVÆRDIGHED HÆDERLIGHED ÆRLIGHED ER. :-) :-) Der er ingen grund til at jyske bank bliver ved med at benægte. At jyske bank uden grund lyver for familien. Således familien lider både øknomisk, og psykisk. og jyske bank satser på familien enten bryder sammen, eller ikke kan finde penge til den advokat, der skal stoppe bedrageriet, da jyske bank ikke selv vil lade være. Og fortsat påstå at kunden har dette her lån på 4.328.000 kr. I Nykredit men nægter at bevise det. :-) Og jyske bank nægter at at bevise at kunden selv, har aftalt og godkendt en rentebytte af dette her lån den 16-07-2007 med jyske bank :-) Og så lige alt det andet som er kommet frem. Kære jyske bank CEO Anders Dam Vi herhjemme gad god se hvad jyske bank ville regere, hvis det var jyske bank som blev udsat for svig og falsk fra deres kunder. Og jyske bank ikke stod klar med 100 advokater, og med milliarder i ryggen, til at sikker jyske Banks øknomiske interesser. :-) Vi har intet, da jyske bank bedrager os med et falsk lån. Jyske bank nægter at tale med os, så vi kan kun råbe lidt op. Men jyskebank ser ikke hører intet Og hvis jyske bank høre et grynt, så er jyske bank ligeglade. :-) NU SKAL FAMILIEN skaffe penge til den advokat, som i retten skal have jyske bank til at stoppe jyske bank med at bedrage os. :-) Men helt ærligt Andes Dam Du og jyske bank kan slet ikke være bekendt at nægte at tage en dialog med os. :-) HVIS JYSKE BANK IKKE HAR LAVET NOGET FORKERT. IKKE HAR OVERTRÅDT LOVE OG REGLER HVAD SÅ MED AT JYSKE BANK ANDES DAM HJÆLPER HER, FORKLAR AT VI TAGER FEJL, SÅ RETTER VI. ØNSKER AT FINDE SANDHEDEN OM JYSKE BANK OG EN LØSNING. :-) :-) Måske har jyske bank til vane at andre familier der er udsat for det samme svig, giver op over for milliard forretningen jyske bank, og lader bedraget fortsætte, for at jyske bank kan sikker deres øknomiske interesser over for deres aktionære. :-) :-) jyske bank har i mødt familien Skaarup fra Hornbæk Det er os. Måske er vi lidt anderleds end de fleste, måske er vi meget anderleds. Vi er åbne og fortæller gerne vores historie. :-) :-) Vi undersøger hvis vi finder ud at nogle lyver, som her, hvor vi opdagede at jyske bank har løjet i først 7 år. Vi oplyser jyske bank om at banken er taget i at lyve, hvad gør CEO Anders Dam så Han giver sin hær af advokater besked om at fortsætte med at lyve. Og sikke sig at ingen i koncernen hverken vil eller må tale med familien, der tog jysk bank med fingeren i den kagedåse, som jyske bank var betroet. Således gik de næste 2 år. Og vi taler nu om 9 år :-) :-) Altså ingen i jyske bank koncernen, må svare på selv det mindste lille spørgsmål Som eksempelvis at BEKRAFTE ÆGTEHEDEN på de af familien fremlagte bilag, her og på banknyt.dk Når ja og på jyske Banks officielle fb side Havkatten, hvor jyske bank blokerede os, for at undgå de nemme spørgsmål. :-) Ingen må udlevere nogle bilag, der ellers kunne hjælpe med den videre opklaring, så det håbede jyske bank var nok til at stoppe efterforskning. :-) Vi holder sammen, og ønsker ikke at banker. skal lave svindel, eller give ond og dårlig rådgivning til nogle kunder, for så at jyske bank kan håbe på forældelse og beholde hvad banken har taget. :-) Det kræver jo bare et opkald på 22227713 Så mødes vi og taler om det her, og finder ud af hvad der gik galt og sammen løser det. 2 år uden svar er under alt kritik. Dialog er vejen frem Jyske bank tavshed er ikke vejen til en god foretning, men det er dialog og samtale Skal vi mødes et sted og få talt sammen. Vi giver stadig gerne frokost. Mvh familien Skaarup HornbækKAN DU STOLE PÅ DIN DANSKE BANK. :-) EN SAG OM JYSKE BANKS ÆRLIGHED OG HÆDERLIGHED :-) HER ER BÅDE DIRIKTIONEN OG CEO ANDERS DAM VELVIDENDE OM AT JYSKE BANK. BEDRAGER LILLE FAMILIE FRA NORDSJÆLLAND MED SVIG VED AT LYVE OM BLANDT ANDET ET LÅN DER IKKE FINDES. :-( :-( JYSKE BANKS MÅLSÆTNING, SYNTES AT STJÆLE 2.5 MILLION KR. PLUS DET LØSE. FRA DERES KUNDE. :-) VED AT HÆVE RENTER FOR DETTE PÅSTÅET MEN FALSKE LÅN, OVER EN PERIODE PÅ 20 ÅR. Ville jyske bank uberettet sikker sig de første 2.500.000 kr. hvilket samtids bliver et tab for kunden. :-( AT JYSKE BANK VEDVAREDE LYVER, OG NÆGTER AT SVARE KUNDE SOM HAR OPDAGET DET SVIG OG FALSK JYSKE BANK UDSÆTTER KUNDER FOR. MÅ VÆRE DEN EVIGE BENÆGTELSE I JYSKE BANK. - MÅSKE HÅBER JYSKE BANK PÅ, AT DET IKKE KUN ER STRAFFRIT AT BEDRAGE DERES KUNDER. MEN AT JYSKE BANK KAN BEHOLDE DE PENGE JYSKE BANK HAR STJÅLLET. VED UHÆDERLIGT OG BEVIST AT LYVE FOR AT TAGE UBERETTER AF DE BETROEDE MIDLER I JYSKE BANK, - JYSKE BANK SIGTEDE TYDLIGVIS EFTER. AT INGEN OPDAGER DER SLET IKKE FINDES NOGET LÅN. :-) :-) MEN DET BLEV OPDAGET. OG NU NÆGTER JYSKE BANK AT SVARE PÅ NOGET, I MENS BANKEN FORTSÆTTER, HVAD DER KLART BESKRIVES SOM BEDRAGRI EFTER STRAFFELOVEN. :-) :-) SÅDAN HANDLER JYSKE BANK UHÆDERLIGT OG I OND TRO, OG MOD BEDREVIDENDE FOR AT DU SOM AKTIONÆR OG PARTNER MED JYSKE BANK KAN TJÆNE PENGE. Godt for aktionærer og de som er partner med jyske bank Men knap så godt for de kunder jyske bank bevist og uhæderligt snyder. :-) :-) JYSKE BANK NÆGTER DIALOG HVORFOR VI SKRIVER OFFENLIGT SÅ KAN DU LÆSE HVAD ER KONTAKT ANNONCER RETET TIL JYSKE BANK KAN IKKE SKRIVE MINDRE I DENNE SVIG SAG. :-) :-) LÆS OG LÆR HVORDAN STORE DANSKE BANKER BEVIST OG UHÆDERLIGT SNYDER DERES KUNDER, OG HVORDAN ANDRE BANKER DÆKKER OVER DET. :-) :-) DIRIKTIONEN OG CEO ANDERS DAM TOPLEDELSE I JYSKE BANK VED DET. - MEN GØR INTET FOR AT AFKLARE OM DERES KUNDER FAKTISK HAR RET. ELLER OM NOGLE HAR TAGET FEJL. :-) :-) JYSKE BANK ER INDBUDT MANGE GANGE TIL AT GENNEMGÅ SAGS MATRIALE OG BEVISER, MEN NÆGTER KATAGORISK AT SVARE. :-) :-) MÅSKE DER BARE ER TALE OM JYSK BANK HEMMELIGHEDER :-) HVIS JYSKE BANK VED AT FAMILIEN HAR RET. HVORFOR BLIVE JYSKE BANK SÅ VED MED AT LAVE SVIG :-) :-) FAMILIEN FORSTÅR IKKE JYSKE BANK OG HVORFOR JYSKE BANK NÆGTER AT TALE MED FAMILIEN. - SAMTIDS MED AT, JYSKE BANK FORTSÆTTER MED AT TAGE FAMILIENS PENGE, FOR RENTER AF LÅN DER IKKE FINDES. :-) JYSKE BANK HAR FÅET EN UDSTRÆKT HÅND MANGE GANGE. :-) DIALOG DET KRÆVER JO KUN AT JYSKE BANK VIL HOLDE ET MØDE MED FAMILIEN :-) OG TALE OM DET SOM FAMILIEN HAR OPKLARET, ELLER FAMILIEN HAR FREMLAGT :-) :-) Utroligt at jyske bank på andet år stadig nægter at tale med den kunde, der forsøger at råbe Anders Dam op. Jyske bank har i samme periode de sidste 2 år. taget omkring 3-400.000 kr. fra kundens konto til renter af et lån på 4.328.000 kr. Som slet ikke findes. :- Et lån på 4.328.000 kr. som jyske bank ikke kun lyver om over for kunden. - Men som jyske bank vedholdende lyver om, selv overfor RETTEN og ADVOKATERNE holder jyske bank fast. Og som jyske bank ved en bevist vildledning, påstår er et underlægende lån som er optaget i Nykredit, forud for den rentesikring i jyske bank det hele startede med. - - Altså man skal være meget skarp for at kunne gennemskue hvad jyske bank laver her. Det er bestemt ikke smalkost, for de Danske bankkunder, der fremover kan blive rullet, på samme måde ved højlys dag. :-) :-) Jyske Banks advokat og bestyrelsesmedlem Philip Baruch skriver så smukt i retsforholdet. 10-09-2015 - At det underlægende lån ( 4.328.000 kr. I Nykredit ) til den rentebytte på 4.328.000 kr. som Jyske Bank i retten, skriver er den rentebytte / swap som er lavet og godkendt med jyske bank 15-07-2008 - Den dygtige men nok uærlige Philip Baruch overfor retten skriver At den rentebytte på 4.328.000 kr. som jyske bank har sendt 16-07-2008 er den fra den 15-07-2016 Og at denne rentebytte er lavet for at rentesikker et underlægende / bagvedliggende lån i Nykredit SÅ LYVER JYSKE BANK OG DERES STJERNE ADVOKATER I LUND ELMER SANDAGER VEL IKKE. :-) :-) Når Stjerne advokaten i Lund Elmer Sandager Philip Baruch skriver i retsforhold til retten. MÅ PHILIP BARUCH NARTURLIGS IKKE LYVE FOR RETTEN. Altså hverken lyve over for familiens advokat og Kunder i Jyske Bank Men da slet ikke lyve overfor retten. :-) :-) Når den dygtige advokat Philip Baruch så påstår i retsforhold At kunden har dette bagvedliggende lån på 4.328.000 kr. I Nykredit Og at dette lån er rentebyttet med jyske bank :-) :-) :-) Jyske bank Philip Baruch skriver tydligt og klart At det underlægende / bagvedliggende lån til en renteswap Er lavet med trejde mand (Nykredit) og jyske bank intet har med dette at gøre. :-) Men kære jyske bank i har hævet af kundens betroede midler, for dette her påstået underlægende lån For tinglysning, låneformidling og garantier. Så lidt må jyske bank vel kende til det. :-) Men nu er Jyske bank en markant anderleds bank. Så vi tigger stadig CEO Anders Dam og jyske bank Om at vise os kopi af det lån jyske bank rentesikker, med en rente bytte. :-) :-) Og jo da vi tilbyder stadig jysk altså jyske bank 250.000 kr. I gebyr. for bevis. Men det bliver nok svært at finde noget underlægende lån, for vi stævnede Nykredit i denne svindel sag. :-) :-) Og Nykredit ville efter Nykredit blev stævnet, nu gerne svare på spørgsmål som. Om vi har dette af jyske bank påstået underlægende lån på 4.328.000 kr. Som er det lån der er lavet med trejde part, forud for rentebytte med jyske bank. NYKREDIT SVARE 18-10-2016 At Nykredit intet kender til noget lån på 4.328.000 kr. SÅ HVORFOR HELVEDE VIL JYSKE BANK SÅ IKKE TALE MED OS. :-( :-( CEO ANDERS DAM HVORDAN HAR DU DET MED TROVÆRDIGHED, HÆDERLIGHED OG ÆRLIGHEDEN I JYSKE BANK. OG AT DU OG DIN BANK TVINGER KUNDER TIL AT BETALE FOR ADVOKATER. BARE FOR AT FÅ JYSKE BANK TIL IKKE AT BESVIGE BANKENS KUNDER. :-) :-) Tiden fra 25-05-2016 er løbet siden, toppen i jyske bank fik oplysning om bla. det falske lån :-) :-) HAR JYSKE BANK INTET AT SIGE, TIL AT VI SOM FAMILIE GERNE VIL I DIALOG MED BANKEN - HVORFOR ER DET SÅ MAGTPÅLIGGENDE FOR JYSKE BANK AT LYVE OG SNYDE DERES KUNDER. - - VIL JYSKE BANK IKKE VÆRE SØDE AT LADE VÆRE AT STJÆLE, DET ER ONDT AT I BLIVER VED. ELLER I DET MINDSTE TALE MED OS. OG FORKLARE OS AT JYSKE BANK OVERHOLDER ALLE REGLER OG LOVE, OG INTET FORKERT HAR LAVET. :-) SÅ VI IKKE BEHØVER SKRIVE HER OG DER. På havkatten, på troustpilot, på banknyt og så mange andre steder. :-) OG NÅR JYSKE BANK HAR BEVIST AT BANKEN INTET GALT HAR LAVET. SÅ SLETTER VI OPSLAG OG BETALER MED GLÆDE, UDEN BROK. ( det er naturligvis jyske bank selv som tager ) TAL MED OS GLADE KUNDER ER DE BEDSTE. :-) :-) :-) Hvis vi ville låne de 4.328.000 kr. så forslåger jyske bank at det er bedst og billigst at lave en rente Swap. Hvilket er aftalt og godkendt 15-07-2008 hvor jyske bank ringede op tidlig på formiddagen, og pressede på for at kunden skulle sige ja. Rente bytte er kun for dette lån, hvis kunde vælger at optage lånet. :-) at jyske bank ved Lund Elmer Sandager skriver at jyske bank først 16-07-2008 laver og sender kopi af denne aftale. Det skal vi altså også tale om. :-) :-) I jyske bank kommer du til at kæmpe hårdt mod banken, bare for at få jyske bank til at stoppet svig rettet imod dig. Jyske Bank er kolde de har penge og advokater nok til at trække dig rundt i en løgn. Og jyske bank gør det de kan for at bedrage familien der opklarede svig med falsk lån de næste 11 år. :-) :-) Er det kun os der syntes At jyske Bank de sidste 2 år helt bevist og i ond tro fortsætte det svig og falsk jyske Banks koncern ledelse, CEO Anders Dam blev oplyst 25 maj 2016 Og som Andes Dam kunne have talt med kunden om for 2 år siden, og finde en løsning på og rette op. :-) :-) I 2016 hvor CEO Anders Dam blev inddraget 25 maj af den desperate familie, som er udsat for SVIG i jyske bank Dengang i 2016 var det bare svig og falsk, men jyskebank, fortsatte alligevel bevist og uhæderligt at lade som ingen ting Og ingurerede kunden, samt forbyder kunden dialog, hvorefter jyske bank fortsatte udnyttelsen af bankens svig frem til Idag 2 år mere :-) :-) Når jyske bank er velvidende om at der ikke findes noget lån på 4.328.000 kr. Og jyske bank er velvidende Om at banken tage fra betroede midler i jyske bank, til rente på dette lån, og andre små finurligheder. :-) Og nu på andet år stadigvæk nægter at svare, men bare tager penge for noget, jyske bank er bevist om ikke findes Men som jyske bank lyver om, bare for at sikker Jyske Banks øknomiske interesser og for at sikker AKTIONÆRENE ET GODT UDBYTTE Derfor er det blevet til endog meget groft. Dette er familiens mening at jyskebank bevist lyver og nægter for fortsat at kunne stjæle af kassen. :-) Kunden som oplyste top lederen i jyskebank CEO Anders Dam, at jyske bank vel nok lavede, lidt svig ved falsk, mere præcist ved et falsk lån. Indpakket lidt, men budskabet var vel klart nok. Der er intet lån. :-) Nye kunder kommer til jyske bank, og stoler på at jyske bank er både ærlig og hæderlige, det siger banken selv. :-) :-) Se hvad jyske bank ved hjælp af advokaterne i jyske bank og Lund Elmer Sandager, har lavet mod os af svindel eller hvad det hedder, vi kaldet det svig. Det er ret omfattende og udspekuleret, og hvis der er tale om fejl, så gik det 7 år før vi opdagede det, og 2 år mere hvor jyske bank nægtede at indgå i dialog. :-( :-( :-( Brevet til vore gamle advokat 2-11-2016 fra bestyrelsens medlem ved aktionær Phillip Baruch jyske bank ses kun som et nyt forsøg, på at ville snyde os. At jyske bank forsøger at manupuler os, ved hjælp af vores advokat til at komme til møde? Med det ene formål at lave en rentebytte, godt nok af et ægte lån, efter jyske bank måtte konstatere, at familien ikke længer kunne snydes med det jyske bank startede på. Hvilket tilbud om rente bytte af et lån fra 3/7-2009 hvilket vi afviste med det samme. Hvis indeholdes af brevet 02-11.2016 skal tydes anderleds, så kan jyske bank passende forklare. :-) :-) Selv om daværende advokat Syntes godt om at jyske bank tilbød en rente bytte af et andet lån For han kunne vel også læse imellem lignerne hvad jyske bank forsøgte. Banken som sikkert kun tænkte på hvordan banken kunne narre os. Skal hilse og sige, det blev vi ret pist over. Gik den så gik den, ! Men jyske bank den gik heller ikke. :-) :-) :-) ER DET IKKE PÅ TIDE AT JYSE BANK STRAMMER SIG OP. OG AT JYSKE BANK TALER MED OS. OG VI SAMMEN FÅ GENNEMGÅET SAGEN, OG DE MANGE SPØRGSMÅL. :-) Det handler jo bare om jyske bank har bedraget os, ikke om jyske bank skal i fængsel for svig og falsk, :-) :-) TIL CEO ANDERS ORDFØRENDE FORMAND FOR KONCERN LEDELSEN, OM SANDT OG FALSK TAL NU MED OS, Vi vil stadig gerne tilgive jyske bank. Jyske bank skal bare erkende at beviserne mod jyske bank er ægte. :-) :-) Hvis jyske bank stadig ikke vil tale med os. Så find da en i vil tale med, bare vi ikke skal betale. :-) :-) DIALOG DIALOG DIALOG DIALOG CEO ANDERS DAM FÅ ØJE PÅ OS, TAL MED OS VI GIDER IKKE DETTE PJAT, OG ER VIRKLIG KEDE AF AT JYSKE BANK AFVISER AT SVARE. Men det er jo nok Levevejen for jyske bank, først at lyve og så holde kæft :-) :-) ALTSÅ UDOVER AT HAVKATTEN FØRST SKREV. DET HANDLER OM JURA. OG SIDST SKREV DET HANDLER I HØJ GRAD OM JURA. NU DA DET IKKE HANDLER OM HVERKEN ÆRLIGHED HÆDERLIGHED TROVÆRDIGHED MEN SÅ VED ANDRE KUNDER I JYSKE BANK DA HVAD JYSKE BANKS HOLDNING TIL TROVÆRDIGHED HÆDERLIGHED ÆRLIGHED ER. :-) :-) Der er ingen grund til at jyske bank bliver ved med at benægte. At jyske bank uden grund lyver for familien. Således familien lider både øknomisk, og psykisk. og jyske bank satser på familien enten bryder sammen, eller ikke kan finde penge til den advokat, der skal stoppe bedrageriet, da jyske bank ikke selv vil lade være. Og fortsat påstå at kunden har dette her lån på 4.328.000 kr. I Nykredit men nægter at bevise det. :-) Og jyske bank nægter at at bevise at kunden selv, har aftalt og godkendt en rentebytte af dette her lån den 16-07-2007 med jyske bank :-) Og så lige alt det andet som er kommet frem. Kære jyske bank CEO Anders Dam Vi herhjemme gad god se hvad jyske bank ville regere, hvis det var jyske bank som blev udsat for svig og falsk fra deres kunder. Og jyske bank ikke stod klar med 100 advokater, og med milliarder i ryggen, til at sikker jyske Banks øknomiske interesser. :-) Vi har intet, da jyske bank bedrager os med et falsk lån. Jyske bank nægter at tale med os, så vi kan kun råbe lidt op. Men jyskebank ser ikke hører intet Og hvis jyske bank høre et grynt, så er jyske bank ligeglade. :-) NU SKAL FAMILIEN skaffe penge til den advokat, som i retten skal have jyske bank til at stoppe jyske bank med at bedrage os. :-) Men helt ærligt Andes Dam Du og jyske bank kan slet ikke være bekendt at nægte at tage en dialog med os. :-) HVIS JYSKE BANK IKKE HAR LAVET NOGET FORKERT. IKKE HAR OVERTRÅDT LOVE OG REGLER HVAD SÅ MED AT JYSKE BANK ANDES DAM HJÆLPER HER, FORKLAR AT VI TAGER FEJL, SÅ RETTER VI. ØNSKER AT FINDE SANDHEDEN OM JYSKE BANK OG EN LØSNING. :-) :-) Måske har jyske bank til vane at andre familier der er udsat for det samme svig, giver op over for milliard forretningen jyske bank, og lader bedraget fortsætte, for at jyske bank kan sikker deres øknomiske interesser over for deres aktionære. :-) :-) jyske bank har i mødt familien Skaarup fra Hornbæk Det er os. Måske er vi lidt anderleds end de fleste, måske er vi meget anderleds. Vi er åbne og fortæller gerne vores historie. :-) :-) Vi undersøger hvis vi finder ud at nogle lyver, som her, hvor vi opdagede at jyske bank har løjet i først 7 år. Vi oplyser jyske bank om at banken er taget i at lyve, hvad gør CEO Anders Dam så Han giver sin hær af advokater besked om at fortsætte med at lyve. Og sikke sig at ingen i koncernen hverken vil eller må tale med familien, der tog jysk bank med fingeren i den kagedåse, som jyske bank var betroet. Således gik de næste 2 år. Og vi taler nu om 9 år :-) :-) Altså ingen i jyske bank koncernen, må svare på selv det mindste lille spørgsmål Som eksempelvis at BEKRAFTE ÆGTEHEDEN på de af familien fremlagte bilag, her og på banknyt.dk Når ja og på jyske Banks officielle fb side Havkatten, hvor jyske bank blokerede os, for at undgå de nemme spørgsmål. :-) Ingen må udlevere nogle bilag, der ellers kunne hjælpe med den videre opklaring, så det håbede jyske bank var nok til at stoppe efterforskning. :-) Vi holder sammen, og ønsker ikke at banker. skal lave svindel, eller give ond og dårlig rådgivning til nogle kunder, for så at jyske bank kan håbe på forældelse og beholde hvad banken har taget. :-) Det kræver jo bare et opkald på 22227713 Så mødes vi og taler om det her, og finder ud af hvad der gik galt og sammen løser det. 2 år uden svar er under alt kritik. Dialog er vejen frem Jyske bank tavshed er ikke vejen til en god foretning, men det er dialog og samtale Skal vi mødes et sted og få talt sammen. Vi giver stadig gerne frokost. Mvh familien Skaarup HornbækKAN DU STOLE PÅ DIN DANSKE BANK. :-) EN SAG OM JYSKE BANKS ÆRLIGHED OG HÆDERLIGHED :-) HER ER BÅDE DIRIKTIONEN OG CEO ANDERS DAM VELVIDENDE OM AT JYSKE BANK. BEDRAGER LILLE FAMILIE FRA NORDSJÆLLAND MED SVIG VED AT LYVE OM BLANDT ANDET ET LÅN DER IKKE FINDES. :-( :-( JYSKE BANKS MÅLSÆTNING, SYNTES AT STJÆLE 2.5 MILLION KR. PLUS DET LØSE. FRA DERES KUNDE. :-) VED AT HÆVE RENTER FOR DETTE PÅSTÅET MEN FALSKE LÅN, OVER EN PERIODE PÅ 20 ÅR. Ville jyske bank uberettet sikker sig de første 2.500.000 kr. hvilket samtids bliver et tab for kunden. :-( AT JYSKE BANK VEDVAREDE LYVER, OG NÆGTER AT SVARE KUNDE SOM HAR OPDAGET DET SVIG OG FALSK JYSKE BANK UDSÆTTER KUNDER FOR. MÅ VÆRE DEN EVIGE BENÆGTELSE I JYSKE BANK. - MÅSKE HÅBER JYSKE BANK PÅ, AT DET IKKE KUN ER STRAFFRIT AT BEDRAGE DERES KUNDER. MEN AT JYSKE BANK KAN BEHOLDE DE PENGE JYSKE BANK HAR STJÅLLET. VED UHÆDERLIGT OG BEVIST AT LYVE FOR AT TAGE UBERETTER AF DE BETROEDE MIDLER I JYSKE BANK, - JYSKE BANK SIGTEDE TYDLIGVIS EFTER. AT INGEN OPDAGER DER SLET IKKE FINDES NOGET LÅN. :-) :-) MEN DET BLEV OPDAGET. OG NU NÆGTER JYSKE BANK AT SVARE PÅ NOGET, I MENS BANKEN FORTSÆTTER, HVAD DER KLART BESKRIVES SOM BEDRAGRI EFTER STRAFFELOVEN. :-) :-) SÅDAN HANDLER JYSKE BANK UHÆDERLIGT OG I OND TRO, OG MOD BEDREVIDENDE FOR AT DU SOM AKTIONÆR OG PARTNER MED JYSKE BANK KAN TJÆNE PENGE. Godt for aktionærer og de som er partner med jyske bank Men knap så godt for de kunder jyske bank bevist og uhæderligt snyder. :-) :-) JYSKE BANK NÆGTER DIALOG HVORFOR VI SKRIVER OFFENLIGT SÅ KAN DU LÆSE HVAD ER KONTAKT ANNONCER RETET TIL JYSKE BANK KAN IKKE SKRIVE MINDRE I DENNE SVIG SAG. :-) :-) LÆS OG LÆR HVORDAN STORE DANSKE BANKER BEVIST OG UHÆDERLIGT SNYDER DERES KUNDER, OG HVORDAN ANDRE BANKER DÆKKER OVER DET. :-) :-) DIRIKTIONEN OG CEO ANDERS DAM TOPLEDELSE I JYSKE BANK VED DET. - MEN GØR INTET FOR AT AFKLARE OM DERES KUNDER FAKTISK HAR RET. ELLER OM NOGLE HAR TAGET FEJL. :-) :-) JYSKE BANK ER INDBUDT MANGE GANGE TIL AT GENNEMGÅ SAGS MATRIALE OG BEVISER, MEN NÆGTER KATAGORISK AT SVARE. :-) :-) MÅSKE DER BARE ER TALE OM JYSK BANK HEMMELIGHEDER :-) HVIS JYSKE BANK VED AT FAMILIEN HAR RET. HVORFOR BLIVE JYSKE BANK SÅ VED MED AT LAVE SVIG :-) :-) FAMILIEN FORSTÅR IKKE JYSKE BANK OG HVORFOR JYSKE BANK NÆGTER AT TALE MED FAMILIEN. - SAMTIDS MED AT, JYSKE BANK FORTSÆTTER MED AT TAGE FAMILIENS PENGE, FOR RENTER AF LÅN DER IKKE FINDES. :-) JYSKE BANK HAR FÅET EN UDSTRÆKT HÅND MANGE GANGE. :-) DIALOG DET KRÆVER JO KUN AT JYSKE BANK VIL HOLDE ET MØDE MED FAMILIEN :-) OG TALE OM DET SOM FAMILIEN HAR OPKLARET, ELLER FAMILIEN HAR FREMLAGT :-) :-) Utroligt at jyske bank på andet år stadig nægter at tale med den kunde, der forsøger at råbe Anders Dam op. Jyske bank har i samme periode de sidste 2 år. taget omkring 3-400.000 kr. fra kundens konto til renter af et lån på 4.328.000 kr. Som slet ikke findes. :- Et lån på 4.328.000 kr. som jyske bank ikke kun lyver om over for kunden. - Men som jyske bank vedholdende lyver om, selv overfor RETTEN og ADVOKATERNE holder jyske bank fast. Og som jyske bank ved en bevist vildledning, påstår er et underlægende lån som er optaget i Nykredit, forud for den rentesikring i jyske bank det hele startede med. - - Altså man skal være meget skarp for at kunne gennemskue hvad jyske bank laver her. Det er bestemt ikke smalkost, for de Danske bankkunder, der fremover kan blive rullet, på samme måde ved højlys dag. :-) :-) Jyske Banks advokat og bestyrelsesmedlem Philip Baruch skriver så smukt i retsforholdet. 10-09-2015 - At det underlægende lån ( 4.328.000 kr. I Nykredit ) til den rentebytte på 4.328.000 kr. som Jyske Bank i retten, skriver er den rentebytte / swap som er lavet og godkendt med jyske bank 15-07-2008 - Den dygtige men nok uærlige Philip Baruch overfor retten skriver At den rentebytte på 4.328.000 kr. som jyske bank har sendt 16-07-2008 er den fra den 15-07-2016 Og at denne rentebytte er lavet for at rentesikker et underlægende / bagvedliggende lån i Nykredit SÅ LYVER JYSKE BANK OG DERES STJERNE ADVOKATER I LUND ELMER SANDAGER VEL IKKE. :-) :-) Når Stjerne advokaten i Lund Elmer Sandager Philip Baruch skriver i retsforhold til retten. MÅ PHILIP BARUCH NARTURLIGS IKKE LYVE FOR RETTEN. Altså hverken lyve over for familiens advokat og Kunder i Jyske Bank Men da slet ikke lyve overfor retten. :-) :-) Når den dygtige advokat Philip Baruch så påstår i retsforhold At kunden har dette bagvedliggende lån på 4.328.000 kr. I Nykredit Og at dette lån er rentebyttet med jyske bank :-) :-) :-) Jyske bank Philip Baruch skriver tydligt og klart At det underlægende / bagvedliggende lån til en renteswap Er lavet med trejde mand (Nykredit) og jyske bank intet har med dette at gøre. :-) Men kære jyske bank i har hævet af kundens betroede midler, for dette her påstået underlægende lån For tinglysning, låneformidling og garantier. Så lidt må jyske bank vel kende til det. :-) Men nu er Jyske bank en markant anderleds bank. Så vi tigger stadig CEO Anders Dam og jyske bank Om at vise os kopi af det lån jyske bank rentesikker, med en rente bytte. :-) :-) Og jo da vi tilbyder stadig jysk altså jyske bank 250.000 kr. I gebyr. for bevis. Men det bliver nok svært at finde noget underlægende lån, for vi stævnede Nykredit i denne svindel sag. :-) :-) Og Nykredit ville efter Nykredit blev stævnet, nu gerne svare på spørgsmål som. Om vi har dette af jyske bank påstået underlægende lån på 4.328.000 kr. Som er det lån der er lavet med trejde part, forud for rentebytte med jyske bank. NYKREDIT SVARE 18-10-2016 At Nykredit intet kender til noget lån på 4.328.000 kr. SÅ HVORFOR HELVEDE VIL JYSKE BANK SÅ IKKE TALE MED OS. :-( :-( CEO ANDERS DAM HVORDAN HAR DU DET MED TROVÆRDIGHED, HÆDERLIGHED OG ÆRLIGHEDEN I JYSKE BANK. OG AT DU OG DIN BANK TVINGER KUNDER TIL AT BETALE FOR ADVOKATER. BARE FOR AT FÅ JYSKE BANK TIL IKKE AT BESVIGE BANKENS KUNDER. :-) :-) Tiden fra 25-05-2016 er løbet siden, toppen i jyske bank fik oplysning om bla. det falske lån :-) :-) HAR JYSKE BANK INTET AT SIGE, TIL AT VI SOM FAMILIE GERNE VIL I DIALOG MED BANKEN - HVORFOR ER DET SÅ MAGTPÅLIGGENDE FOR JYSKE BANK AT LYVE OG SNYDE DERES KUNDER. - - VIL JYSKE BANK IKKE VÆRE SØDE AT LADE VÆRE AT STJÆLE, DET ER ONDT AT I BLIVER VED. ELLER I DET MINDSTE TALE MED OS. OG FORKLARE OS AT JYSKE BANK OVERHOLDER ALLE REGLER OG LOVE, OG INTET FORKERT HAR LAVET. :-) SÅ VI IKKE BEHØVER SKRIVE HER OG DER. På havkatten, på troustpilot, på banknyt og så mange andre steder. :-) OG NÅR JYSKE BANK HAR BEVIST AT BANKEN INTET GALT HAR LAVET. SÅ SLETTER VI OPSLAG OG BETALER MED GLÆDE, UDEN BROK. ( det er naturligvis jyske bank selv som tager ) TAL MED OS GLADE KUNDER ER DE BEDSTE. :-) :-) :-) Hvis vi ville låne de 4.328.000 kr. så forslåger jyske bank at det er bedst og billigst at lave en rente Swap. Hvilket er aftalt og godkendt 15-07-2008 hvor jyske bank ringede op tidlig på formiddagen, og pressede på for at kunden skulle sige ja. Rente bytte er kun for dette lån, hvis kunde vælger at optage lånet. :-) at jyske bank ved Lund Elmer Sandager skriver at jyske bank først 16-07-2008 laver og sender kopi af denne aftale. Det skal vi altså også tale om. :-) :-) I jyske bank kommer du til at kæmpe hårdt mod banken, bare for at få jyske bank til at stoppet svig rettet imod dig. Jyske Bank er kolde de har penge og advokater nok til at trække dig rundt i en løgn. Og jyske bank gør det de kan for at bedrage familien der opklarede svig med falsk lån de næste 11 år. :-) :-) Er det kun os der syntes At jyske Bank de sidste 2 år helt bevist og i ond tro fortsætte det svig og falsk jyske Banks koncern ledelse, CEO Anders Dam blev oplyst 25 maj 2016 Og som Andes Dam kunne have talt med kunden om for 2 år siden, og finde en løsning på og rette op. :-) :-) I 2016 hvor CEO Anders Dam blev inddraget 25 maj af den desperate familie, som er udsat for SVIG i jyske bank Dengang i 2016 var det bare svig og falsk, men jyskebank, fortsatte alligevel bevist og uhæderligt at lade som ingen ting Og ingurerede kunden, samt forbyder kunden dialog, hvorefter jyske bank fortsatte udnyttelsen af bankens svig frem til Idag 2 år mere :-) :-) Når jyske bank er velvidende om at der ikke findes noget lån på 4.328.000 kr. Og jyske bank er velvidende Om at banken tage fra betroede midler i jyske bank, til rente på dette lån, og andre små finurligheder. :-) Og nu på andet år stadigvæk nægter at svare, men bare tager penge for noget, jyske bank er bevist om ikke findes Men som jyske bank lyver om, bare for at sikker Jyske Banks øknomiske interesser og for at sikker AKTIONÆRENE ET GODT UDBYTTE Derfor er det blevet til endog meget groft. Dette er familiens mening at jyskebank bevist lyver og nægter for fortsat at kunne stjæle af kassen. :-) Kunden som oplyste top lederen i jyskebank CEO Anders Dam, at jyske bank vel nok lavede, lidt svig ved falsk, mere præcist ved et falsk lån. Indpakket lidt, men budskabet var vel klart nok. Der er intet lån. :-) Nye kunder kommer til jyske bank, og stoler på at jyske bank er både ærlig og hæderlige, det siger banken selv. :-) :-) Se hvad jyske bank ved hjælp af advokaterne i jyske bank og Lund Elmer Sandager, har lavet mod os af svindel eller hvad det hedder, vi kaldet det svig. Det er ret omfattende og udspekuleret, og hvis der er tale om fejl, så gik det 7 år før vi opdagede det, og 2 år mere hvor jyske bank nægtede at indgå i dialog. :-( :-( :-( Brevet til vore gamle advokat 2-11-2016 fra bestyrelsens medlem ved aktionær Phillip Baruch jyske bank ses kun som et nyt forsøg, på at ville snyde os. At jyske bank forsøger at manupuler os, ved hjælp af vores advokat til at komme til møde? Med det ene formål at lave en rentebytte, godt nok af et ægte lån, efter jyske bank måtte konstatere, at familien ikke længer kunne snydes med det jyske bank startede på. Hvilket tilbud om rente bytte af et lån fra 3/7-2009 hvilket vi afviste med det samme. Hvis indeholdes af brevet 02-11.2016 skal tydes anderleds, så kan jyske bank passende forklare. :-) :-) Selv om daværende advokat Syntes godt om at jyske bank tilbød en rente bytte af et andet lån For han kunne vel også læse imellem lignerne hvad jyske bank forsøgte. Banken som sikkert kun tænkte på hvordan banken kunne narre os. Skal hilse og sige, det blev vi ret pist over. Gik den så gik den, ! Men jyske bank den gik heller ikke. :-) :-) :-) ER DET IKKE PÅ TIDE AT JYSE BANK STRAMMER SIG OP. OG AT JYSKE BANK TALER MED OS. OG VI SAMMEN FÅ GENNEMGÅET SAGEN, OG DE MANGE SPØRGSMÅL. :-) Det handler jo bare om jyske bank har bedraget os, ikke om jyske bank skal i fængsel for svig og falsk, :-) :-) TIL CEO ANDERS ORDFØRENDE FORMAND FOR KONCERN LEDELSEN, OM SANDT OG FALSK TAL NU MED OS, Vi vil stadig gerne tilgive jyske bank. Jyske bank skal bare erkende at beviserne mod jyske bank er ægte. :-) :-) Hvis jyske bank stadig ikke vil tale med os. Så find da en i vil tale med, bare vi ikke skal betale. :-) :-) DIALOG DIALOG DIALOG DIALOG CEO ANDERS DAM FÅ ØJE PÅ OS, TAL MED OS VI GIDER IKKE DETTE PJAT, OG ER VIRKLIG KEDE AF AT JYSKE BANK AFVISER AT SVARE. Men det er jo nok Levevejen for jyske bank, først at lyve og så holde kæft :-) :-) ALTSÅ UDOVER AT HAVKATTEN FØRST SKREV. DET HANDLER OM JURA. OG SIDST SKREV DET HANDLER I HØJ GRAD OM JURA. NU DA DET IKKE HANDLER OM HVERKEN ÆRLIGHED HÆDERLIGHED TROVÆRDIGHED MEN SÅ VED ANDRE KUNDER I JYSKE BANK DA HVAD JYSKE BANKS HOLDNING TIL TROVÆRDIGHED HÆDERLIGHED ÆRLIGHED ER. :-) :-) Der er ingen grund til at jyske bank bliver ved med at benægte. At jyske bank uden grund lyver for familien. Således familien lider både øknomisk, og psykisk. og jyske bank satser på familien enten bryder sammen, eller ikke kan finde penge til den advokat, der skal stoppe bedrageriet, da jyske bank ikke selv vil lade være. Og fortsat påstå at kunden har dette her lån på 4.328.000 kr. I Nykredit men nægter at bevise det. :-) Og jyske bank nægter at at bevise at kunden selv, har aftalt og godkendt en rentebytte af dette her lån den 16-07-2007 med jyske bank :-) Og så lige alt det andet som er kommet frem. Kære jyske bank CEO Anders Dam Vi herhjemme gad god se hvad jyske bank ville regere, hvis det var jyske bank som blev udsat for svig og falsk fra deres kunder. Og jyske bank ikke stod klar med 100 advokater, og med milliarder i ryggen, til at sikker jyske Banks øknomiske interesser. :-) Vi har intet, da jyske bank bedrager os med et falsk lån. Jyske bank nægter at tale med os, så vi kan kun råbe lidt op. Men jyskebank ser ikke hører intet Og hvis jyske bank høre et grynt, så er jyske bank ligeglade. :-) NU SKAL FAMILIEN skaffe penge til den advokat, som i retten skal have jyske bank til at stoppe jyske bank med at bedrage os. :-) Men helt ærligt Andes Dam Du og jyske bank kan slet ikke være bekendt at nægte at tage en dialog med os. :-) HVIS JYSKE BANK IKKE HAR LAVET NOGET FORKERT. IKKE HAR OVERTRÅDT LOVE OG REGLER HVAD SÅ MED AT JYSKE BANK ANDES DAM HJÆLPER HER, FORKLAR AT VI TAGER FEJL, SÅ RETTER VI. ØNSKER AT FINDE SANDHEDEN OM JYSKE BANK OG EN LØSNING. :-) :-) Måske har jyske bank til vane at andre familier der er udsat for det samme svig, giver op over for milliard forretningen jyske bank, og lader bedraget fortsætte, for at jyske bank kan sikker deres øknomiske interesser over for deres aktionære. :-) :-) jyske bank har i mødt familien Skaarup fra Hornbæk Det er os. Måske er vi lidt anderleds end de fleste, måske er vi meget anderleds. Vi er åbne og fortæller gerne vores historie. :-) :-) Vi undersøger hvis vi finder ud at nogle lyver, som her, hvor vi opdagede at jyske bank har løjet i først 7 år. Vi oplyser jyske bank om at banken er taget i at lyve, hvad gør CEO Anders Dam så Han giver sin hær af advokater besked om at fortsætte med at lyve. Og sikke sig at ingen i koncernen hverken vil eller må tale med familien, der tog jysk bank med fingeren i den kagedåse, som jyske bank var betroet. Således gik de næste 2 år. Og vi taler nu om 9 år :-) :-) Altså ingen i jyske bank koncernen, må svare på selv det mindste lille spørgsmål Som eksempelvis at BEKRAFTE ÆGTEHEDEN på de af familien fremlagte bilag, her og på banknyt.dk Når ja og på jyske Banks officielle fb side Havkatten, hvor jyske bank blokerede os, for at undgå de nemme spørgsmål. :-) Ingen må udlevere nogle bilag, der ellers kunne hjælpe med den videre opklaring, så det håbede jyske bank var nok til at stoppe efterforskning. :-) Vi holder sammen, og ønsker ikke at banker. skal lave svindel, eller give ond og dårlig rådgivning til nogle kunder, for så at jyske bank kan håbe på forældelse og beholde hvad banken har taget. :-) Det kræver jo bare et opkald på 22227713 Så mødes vi og taler om det her, og finder ud af hvad der gik galt og sammen løser det. 2 år uden svar er under alt kritik. Dialog er vejen frem Jyske bank tavshed er ikke vejen til en god foretning, men det er dialog og samtale Skal vi mødes et sted og få talt sammen. Vi giver stadig gerne frokost. Mvh familien Skaarup HornbækKAN DU STOLE PÅ DIN DANSKE BANK. :-) EN SAG OM JYSKE BANKS ÆRLIGHED OG HÆDERLIGHED :-) HER ER BÅDE DIRIKTIONEN OG CEO ANDERS DAM VELVIDENDE OM AT JYSKE BANK. BEDRAGER LILLE FAMILIE FRA NORDSJÆLLAND MED SVIG VED AT LYVE OM BLANDT ANDET ET LÅN DER IKKE FINDES. :-( :-( JYSKE BANKS MÅLSÆTNING, SYNTES AT STJÆLE 2.5 MILLION KR. PLUS DET LØSE. FRA DERES KUNDE. :-) VED AT HÆVE RENTER FOR DETTE PÅSTÅET MEN FALSKE LÅN, OVER EN PERIODE PÅ 20 ÅR. Ville jyske bank uberettet sikker sig de første 2.500.000 kr. hvilket samtids bliver et tab for kunden. :-( AT JYSKE BANK VEDVAREDE LYVER, OG NÆGTER AT SVARE KUNDE SOM HAR OPDAGET DET SVIG OG FALSK JYSKE BANK UDSÆTTER KUNDER FOR. MÅ VÆRE DEN EVIGE BENÆGTELSE I JYSKE BANK. - MÅSKE HÅBER JYSKE BANK PÅ, AT DET IKKE KUN ER STRAFFRIT AT BEDRAGE DERES KUNDER. MEN AT JYSKE BANK KAN BEHOLDE DE PENGE JYSKE BANK HAR STJÅLLET. VED UHÆDERLIGT OG BEVIST AT LYVE FOR AT TAGE UBERETTER AF DE BETROEDE MIDLER I JYSKE BANK, - JYSKE BANK SIGTEDE TYDLIGVIS EFTER. AT INGEN OPDAGER DER SLET IKKE FINDES NOGET LÅN. :-) :-) MEN DET BLEV OPDAGET. OG NU NÆGTER JYSKE BANK AT SVARE PÅ NOGET, I MENS BANKEN FORTSÆTTER, HVAD DER KLART BESKRIVES SOM BEDRAGRI EFTER STRAFFELOVEN. :-) :-) SÅDAN HANDLER JYSKE BANK UHÆDERLIGT OG I OND TRO, OG MOD BEDREVIDENDE FOR AT DU SOM AKTIONÆR OG PARTNER MED JYSKE BANK KAN TJÆNE PENGE. Godt for aktionærer og de som er partner med jyske bank Men knap så godt for de kunder jyske bank bevist og uhæderligt snyder. :-) :-) JYSKE BANK NÆGTER DIALOG HVORFOR VI SKRIVER OFFENLIGT SÅ KAN DU LÆSE HVAD ER KONTAKT ANNONCER RETET TIL JYSKE BANK KAN IKKE SKRIVE MINDRE I DENNE SVIG SAG. :-) :-) LÆS OG LÆR HVORDAN STORE DANSKE BANKER BEVIST OG UHÆDERLIGT SNYDER DERES KUNDER, OG HVORDAN ANDRE BANKER DÆKKER OVER DET. :-) :-) DIRIKTIONEN OG CEO ANDERS DAM TOPLEDELSE I JYSKE BANK VED DET. - MEN GØR INTET FOR AT AFKLARE OM DERES KUNDER FAKTISK HAR RET. ELLER OM NOGLE HAR TAGET FEJL. :-) :-) JYSKE BANK ER INDBUDT MANGE GANGE TIL AT GENNEMGÅ SAGS MATRIALE OG BEVISER, MEN NÆGTER KATAGORISK AT SVARE. :-) :-) MÅSKE DER BARE ER TALE OM JYSK BANK HEMMELIGHEDER :-) HVIS JYSKE BANK VED AT FAMILIEN HAR RET. HVORFOR BLIVE JYSKE BANK SÅ VED MED AT LAVE SVIG :-) :-) FAMILIEN FORSTÅR IKKE JYSKE BANK OG HVORFOR JYSKE BANK NÆGTER AT TALE MED FAMILIEN. - SAMTIDS MED AT, JYSKE BANK FORTSÆTTER MED AT TAGE FAMILIENS PENGE, FOR RENTER AF LÅN DER IKKE FINDES. :-) JYSKE BANK HAR FÅET EN UDSTRÆKT HÅND MANGE GANGE. :-) DIALOG DET KRÆVER JO KUN AT JYSKE BANK VIL HOLDE ET MØDE MED FAMILIEN :-) OG TALE OM DET SOM FAMILIEN HAR OPKLARET, ELLER FAMILIEN HAR FREMLAGT :-) :-) Utroligt at jyske bank på andet år stadig nægter at tale med den kunde, der forsøger at råbe Anders Dam op. Jyske bank har i samme periode de sidste 2 år. taget omkring 3-400.000 kr. fra kundens konto til renter af et lån på 4.328.000 kr. Som slet ikke findes. :- Et lån på 4.328.000 kr. som jyske bank ikke kun lyver om over for kunden. - Men som jyske bank vedholdende lyver om, selv overfor RETTEN og ADVOKATERNE holder jyske bank fast. Og som jyske bank ved en bevist vildledning, påstår er et underlægende lån som er optaget i Nykredit, forud for den rentesikring i jyske bank det hele startede med. - - Altså man skal være meget skarp for at kunne gennemskue hvad jyske bank laver her. Det er bestemt ikke smalkost, for de Danske bankkunder, der fremover kan blive rullet, på samme måde ved højlys dag. :-) :-) Jyske Banks advokat og bestyrelsesmedlem Philip Baruch skriver så smukt i retsforholdet. 10-09-2015 - At det underlægende lån ( 4.328.000 kr. I Nykredit ) til den rentebytte på 4.328.000 kr. som Jyske Bank i retten, skriver er den rentebytte / swap som er lavet og godkendt med jyske bank 15-07-2008 - Den dygtige men nok uærlige Philip Baruch overfor retten skriver At den rentebytte på 4.328.000 kr. som jyske bank har sendt 16-07-2008 er den fra den 15-07-2016 Og at denne rentebytte er lavet for at rentesikker et underlægende / bagvedliggende lån i Nykredit SÅ LYVER JYSKE BANK OG DERES STJERNE ADVOKATER I LUND ELMER SANDAGER VEL IKKE. :-) :-) Når Stjerne advokaten i Lund Elmer Sandager Philip Baruch skriver i retsforhold til retten. MÅ PHILIP BARUCH NARTURLIGS IKKE LYVE FOR RETTEN. Altså hverken lyve over for familiens advokat og Kunder i Jyske Bank Men da slet ikke lyve overfor retten. :-) :-) Når den dygtige advokat Philip Baruch så påstår i retsforhold At kunden har dette bagvedliggende lån på 4.328.000 kr. I Nykredit Og at dette lån er rentebyttet med jyske bank :-) :-) :-) Jyske bank Philip Baruch skriver tydligt og klart At det underlægende / bagvedliggende lån til en renteswap Er lavet med trejde mand (Nykredit) og jyske bank intet har med dette at gøre. :-) Men kære jyske bank i har hævet af kundens betroede midler, for dette her påstået underlægende lån For tinglysning, låneformidling og garantier. Så lidt må jyske bank vel kende til det. :-) Men nu er Jyske bank en markant anderleds bank. Så vi tigger stadig CEO Anders Dam og jyske bank Om at vise os kopi af det lån jyske bank rentesikker, med en rente bytte. :-) :-) Og jo da vi tilbyder stadig jysk altså jyske bank 250.000 kr. I gebyr. for bevis. Men det bliver nok svært at finde noget underlægende lån, for vi stævnede Nykredit i denne svindel sag. :-) :-) Og Nykredit ville efter Nykredit blev stævnet, nu gerne svare på spørgsmål som. Om vi har dette af jyske bank påstået underlægende lån på 4.328.000 kr. Som er det lån der er lavet med trejde part, forud for rentebytte med jyske bank. NYKREDIT SVARE 18-10-2016 At Nykredit intet kender til noget lån på 4.328.000 kr. SÅ HVORFOR HELVEDE VIL JYSKE BANK SÅ IKKE TALE MED OS. :-( :-( CEO ANDERS DAM HVORDAN HAR DU DET MED TROVÆRDIGHED, HÆDERLIGHED OG ÆRLIGHEDEN I JYSKE BANK. OG AT DU OG DIN BANK TVINGER KUNDER TIL AT BETALE FOR ADVOKATER. BARE FOR AT FÅ JYSKE BANK TIL IKKE AT BESVIGE BANKENS KUNDER. :-) :-) Tiden fra 25-05-2016 er løbet siden, toppen i jyske bank fik oplysning om bla. det falske lån :-) :-) HAR JYSKE BANK INTET AT SIGE, TIL AT VI SOM FAMILIE GERNE VIL I DIALOG MED BANKEN - HVORFOR ER DET SÅ MAGTPÅLIGGENDE FOR JYSKE BANK AT LYVE OG SNYDE DERES KUNDER. - - VIL JYSKE BANK IKKE VÆRE SØDE AT LADE VÆRE AT STJÆLE, DET ER ONDT AT I BLIVER VED. ELLER I DET MINDSTE TALE MED OS. OG FORKLARE OS AT JYSKE BANK OVERHOLDER ALLE REGLER OG LOVE, OG INTET FORKERT HAR LAVET. :-) SÅ VI IKKE BEHØVER SKRIVE HER OG DER. På havkatten, på troustpilot, på banknyt og så mange andre steder. :-) OG NÅR JYSKE BANK HAR BEVIST AT BANKEN INTET GALT HAR LAVET. SÅ SLETTER VI OPSLAG OG BETALER MED GLÆDE, UDEN BROK. ( det er naturligvis jyske bank selv som tager ) TAL MED OS GLADE KUNDER ER DE BEDSTE. :-) :-) :-) Hvis vi ville låne de 4.328.000 kr. så forslåger jyske bank at det er bedst og billigst at lave en rente Swap. Hvilket er aftalt og godkendt 15-07-2008 hvor jyske bank ringede op tidlig på formiddagen, og pressede på for at kunden skulle sige ja. Rente bytte er kun for dette lån, hvis kunde vælger at optage lånet. :-) at jyske bank ved Lund Elmer Sandager skriver at jyske bank først 16-07-2008 laver og sender kopi af denne aftale. Det skal vi altså også tale om. :-) :-) I jyske bank kommer du til at kæmpe hårdt mod banken, bare for at få jyske bank til at stoppet svig rettet imod dig. Jysk
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